Durham, NC / Russian hacking / Help America Vote Act in 2002 following Gore/Bush and 9/11 - the genesis of voter fraud?
Bryan Ware tied to General Patreaus and Chinese investment investment holding firm through Haystax/Fishtech/Accuvant/Optiv.
VR Systems dig - tied to voter irregularities in Durham NC
From digs so far I'm starting to get a picture that Dominion Voting Systems is just the tip of the iceberg. It's starting to appear that CIA / China has infiltrated most all of the voting systems used in America through cash offerings for equity stakes in cyber security companies that service voting machine companies in a complex web of multiple companies working together to create end to end voting solutions for States. All 50 States appear to be compromised, some knowingly, some unwittingly. I suggest the digs expand from Dominion to ALL voting machine companies and ALL cyber security firms servicing or partnering with voting machine companies.
One thing is clear - the 'Help America Vote' act of 2002 is what introduced the ability of the Chinese to fully infiltrate our Elections.
GSA doesn't call the Presidency. Congress and electors do. When the Electors have voted and Congress has confirmed the Elector's vote, THEN GSA moves forward.
Addiction is the #1 problem in America today - alcohol - drugs / unhealthy eating / binge spending / Television / Sex / Porn
We've been trained to be out of control and open to any suggestion they put in a 30 second commercial or place subliminally in TV/Movies.
America is now a Nation of addicts by design.
Comms was ended and now all the good bakers are back. Funny how that happened.
o7 to all the bakers. You know who you are.
I became addicted to spending and to sugar and to bad relationships. It's true. Addiction is a symptom of straying from God.
I disagree completely. Anon opinions are OFTEN in the notables and they begin with 'Anon opines'.
Anons are more notable (to me) than any fake news item. When I bake I often include profound anon opinions.
Somebody posted some real gold in this bread and they ddos'd the shit out of us for it.
Your call Baker. I never second guess Bakers when they have the conn.
You've got the wrong anon. I fully support the Bakers. I don't harass other anons. What about you anon?
God Bless You anon. Get help.