Yes, Elon. Yes, it is.
Alternatively, you can simply decide that x amount of RNA fragments are to be considered a "positive" result.
Yes, Elon. Yes, it is.
Alternatively, you can simply decide that x amount of RNA fragments are to be considered a "positive" result.
I wonder if anyone ever "audited" those tests.
Considering they are likely fully automated, I wonder if there is some "cheating" going on in the software on these test machines.
float x = random(0,1)
if (x < 0.5) { AlwaysAssignPositiveResult() } else { ActuallyEvaluateTestResult() }
It could be more sophisticated then that, even. Perhaps following a preprogrammed "false positives over time" curve. Plandemic at it's finest.
Which of the voting machines use this thing? Anything about it to be found in any of the manuals?
"Social Democrat" is just a lyrical wax marketing term for "Socialist".
> What even motivates that kind of drive?
The need to be "something better", standing above the lowly servants.
At least that's my guess.
Yes, because we all know that lowly servants don't deserve full votes.
Deutsche Bank? The sinking ship with Trillions in derivatives that are going to blow up any time now? Nobody should listen to what they say.
The inventor of PCR even stated that it's a "manufacturing technique" and that it ought not to be used as a diagnostics tool. But fuck that, the sheeple don't know this, right?
Fucking wankers.
All these active measures folks from the CCCP needed new employers. Meanwhile, the GDR commies went into full overdrive infiltrating Germany.
It's the Bar.