Sounds like a great place to hold a rally to protest the voting fraud.
Remember when POTUS sent agents, SS or whomever he sent, to remove all material from comey's office?
Why can't he send in his people to remove everything needed from the cia?
When will it be enough to put up with?
So, I can't help but think POTUS will be announcing haspel is out immediately and Grennel is now acting CIA Director.
How about this.
Do like prisoners did. Go out and get covid asap so you will have immunity and won't need to be forced to have the gates vaccine.
I am an older anon.
I remember my older dad ,who lived through the depression as a kid and my grandmother who worked through the depression, without a husband around. Also, during WW2 people had ration cards and they couldn't just run to the store to pick up anything they needed, whenever they wanted.
I learned valuable lessons from them. You can find out how little you really need to get by and not feel you are doing without.
I think you will be able to do so, if you aren't a prince or princess who think the world revolves around them.
Then you might have a problem or 2.