>>11631306 (lb) POTUS knows covid is BS. His actions prove it. He played along with Fauci, Birx et al because he had no choice. Then gradually he removed them from the pressers & then fired them. And no lockdown is his word. So what use then, is a vaccine vs. a fake pandemic? This is utter enemy bullshit, and he is going to lose his entire aware base if he keeps stepping out there and going on about Pfizer etc.
He says we won't be forced…then why the military? Even making an alleged covid vaccine available is wildly wrong, letting illiterate Americans choose it. Stop it, Mr. President. We don't want to hear any more of this. It is ridiculous, threatening, and actually angering. We expect you to come out the next time this is front and center, and say something completely different, and sensible.