Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.11632732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3026 >>3053 >>3332

Former Michigan Sec of State: Recount Won’t Catch Real Problems, ‘Independent Audit’ of Vote Needed


Former Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson told The Kyle Olson Show this week that an “independent audit” is needed of the ballots cast during the presidential election last week.


Johnson (R-Holly), who now chairs the Senate Elections Committee, wants her committee and another to be able to subpoena records related to how the count was conducted, particularly in Detroit, where dozens of observers have produced affidavits detailing a botched process.


Johnson filed an affidavit urging an “independent audit” of the vote.


“Recounting’s not going to help us because the allegations we’ve received that are credible” have examples “of things that aren’t going to be found in a recount,” she said, including coaching voters, making it difficult for observers to watch the process, and counting ballots multiple times.


“These are all against the law and these are integrity processes and need to be adhered to,” Johnson said.


Johnson conceded she does not believe the issues will have an impact on the election, but perhaps will in future elections.


“We need to know what happened and then do everything in our power to fix it legislatively,” she said.


Johnson said an “audit” would be conducted through the legislature, both the House and Senate.


It would be “to find out what went wrong, how the system was not used within the law to ensure integrity,” she told The Kyle Olson Show.


“I need to find out every single thing that was done or not done that strips away integrity so we can look at how we can fix it for the next election,” Johnson said.


She said the Senate Oversight committee will be given subpoena power and she will be working with that group to obtain documents and statements from those involved in the vote counting process.


Johnson said her successor, Jocelyn Benson, “should” do an investigation, but she did not believe that will happen.


“There’s some issues with integrity in the office,” Johnson said, adding if she was still secretary, she would conduct a “comprehensive audit” of the process.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.11632744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3332

Tom Cotton Ad Slams Democrat Raphael Warnock’s Anti-Police Radicalism


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) released an ad Friday slamming Georgia Senate Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock’s anti-law enforcement policies and defense of the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.


Cotton, a staunch supporter of law and order, released an ad attacking Warnock for his incendiary rhetoric against law enforcement. Warnock hopes to oust Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) during the January Senate runoff.


Warnock has defended Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “God Damn America” sermon and called Wright a “prophet.” Warnock also compared law enforcement to gangsters, thugs, and bullies during a speech in 2015:


Cotton said in a statement Friday that Democrats have nominated a “radical” to challenge Loeffler for her U.S. Senate seat.


“Raphael Warnock compared police in Georgia to ‘gangsters’ and ‘thugs,’” Cotton said. “Our men and women in blue protect us from crime every day, and the fact that Georgia liberals have picked someone so radical to lead their party shows how out of touch they are with the average American.”


The transcript of Cotton’s ad reads:


Radical liberals want to defund the police.


Radical Raphael Warnock even called Georgia police officers thugs and gangsters.


WARNOCK: Police power showed up in a kind of gangster and thug mentality.


Raphael Warnock even celebrated Jeremiah Wright, who said that America deserved 9/11.


WRIGHT: Not God Bless America, God Damn America.


Raphael Warnock hates our police, and he’ll put your family at risk. Stop him now.


The Georgia Senate runoff between Warnock and Loeffler serves as a pivotal race for control of the U.S. Senate majority. Warnock’s potential victory over Loeffler would allow the Georgia Democrat, who has praised Marxism as a way to “teach the black church,” to hold significant influence in Congress’s upper chamber.


Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Loeffler slammed Warnock during a rally this week for hosting Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in 1995.


“I’m reminded of Sen. Loeffler’s opponent. True story, 25 years ago, he was a pastor at a church in New York that invited Fidel Castro to speak,” Rubio said. “They cheered him wildly. … Think about that, now 25 years later, one of the pastors from that church wants to be the U.S. senator from Georgia.”


Loeffler said, “We do have a choice between socialism and the American dream. … Marco is exactly right: Raphael Warnock celebrated Fidel Castro in his church. He has a Marxist ideology.”

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.11632780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2847 >>3053 >>3332

American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI


On November 7th, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shut down the great online-only news-reporting and analysis site American Herald-Tribune, which had published news and history that is banned by the U.S. Government, such as this (which was also published here, if the videos there fail to load, in that archived copy). Visitors to the site immediately saw, there, instead, an FBI announcement that, “THIS WEBSITE HAS BEEN SEIZED”, and displaying the official insignia of the “Department of Justice,” and of the “Federal Bureau of Investigation.”


Some of the site’s articles presented the latest evidence, both pro and con, regarding super-hot topics of international speculation, such as what the origin was of the coronavirus. Even on such contentious matters as those, the articles generally linked to credible sources.


In fact, the article just linked-to, about the coronavirus, was written by Dr. Anthony James Hall, who was the AHT’s founder and Editor-in-Chief. He had been a tenured professor (guaranteed lifetime appointment, like to the U.S. Supreme Court) at Lethbridge University in Canada, whom supporters of Israel forced the University to force to accept retirement, because Dr. Hall’s specialty was the study of native peoples whose land had been expropriated by foreign colonists, and this category included the Palestinians, whom Israel systematically discriminates against, and suppresses.


The Canadian magazine, Alberta Views, published an excellent article about Dr. Hall, on 1 September 2018, titled “Freedom and Loathing in Lethbridge: A university dispute over free speech tests the limits of tenure”. This article said:


On August 26, 2016, a Facebook “friend” — whom Hall knows from Lethbridge — posted an image that denied the Holocaust and said “Kill All Jews Now!” to Hall’s Facebook wall. Hall said he only learned of the image after Facebook took it down. He also claims his acquaintance was hacked, and that the offensive material was falsely communicated to Premier Notley as if Hall had actually said the words. His initial suspension from the university, he said on the phone, is “inexplicable” without this “planted Facebook post.” Hall called the image “repulsive.”


His site, AHT, first became copied to the Wayback Machine (the U.S. web-archive, on 9 October 2015, while AHT had only some headlines, but no actual articles; so, this was apparently before Dr. Hall’s site was yet even active. But, then, by the time of less than a month later, November 3rd, it posted an actual article, “‘Death to America’ means death to American policies & arrogance, Khamenei says”, which included: “Know that the slogan ‘Death to America’ which is chanted by the Iranian people has strong and rational basis, which obviously does not mean death to American people, but death to American policies, death to arrogance.” On November 6th of 2015, Hall himself headlined there, “Does the election of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau foreshadow an end to the Global War on Terror?” A section of this article, against “Islamophobia and Dogwhistle Politics,” said:


Perhaps the outcome of the Canadian election suggests that the pendulum of popular public opinion in the West is shifting. Perhaps the failure of [Conservative Prime Minister Stephen] Harper’s party to hold onto power by trumping up fear of Muslims marks the beginning of the end of the Global War on Terror. Perhaps this crack in the neoconservative edifice is like the early stages of the public assault on the Berlin Wall whose toppling marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War.


Then, on December 4th, a Tim King headlined there “Prison labor in USA borders on slavery”, which opened:

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.11632830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3332

Alito Savages Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Accusing Him of Orchestrating ‘Affront to the Constitution and the Rule of Law’


Justice Samuel Alito on Thursday night took aim at Democratic lawmakers over a brief they filed in a recent Second Amendment case, and condemned them for trying to strong-arm the Supreme Court.


In remarks to the Federalist Society Alito slammed Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, one of the brief's authors, for floating the prospect of "restructur[ing]" the Court in response to a pro-gun ruling. Alito called the idea "an affront to the Constitution and the rule of law."


The remarks from 70-year-old justice, nominated by President George W. Bush in 2006, are turning heads: Supreme Court justices rarely trade barbs with politicians, and Alito’s candid comments provided a rare glimpse inside the Court after a contentious election cycle where court-packing was a major issue.


The justice also weighed in on issues from gun rights to the coronavirus, telling the crowd that for many Democrats, the Second Amendment is "the ultimate second-tier constitutional right," and that the sweeping restrictions lawmakers have enacted to battle the coronavirus have revealed their contempt for religious freedom.


"Take a quick look at the Constitution" Alito said. "You will see the free exercise clause of the First Amendment, which protects religious liberty. You will not find a craps clause, or a blackjack clause, or a slot machine clause." The justice was referring to a Nevada law that gave the green light for casinos to open but capped church attendance.


Rhode Island’s Sheldon Whitehouse came in for a special rebuke, with Alito singling out a recent brief filed by the senator and four colleagues on a New York City firearms transportation ordinance. Whitehouse and his colleagues said that a pro-gun ruling would further incite the growing movement to "restructure" the Court.


"The senators' brief was extraordinary," Alito added. "I could say something about standards of professional conduct. But the brief involved something even more important. It was an affront to the Constitution and the rule of law."

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.11632894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2932 >>3053 >>3332

Dominion Voting Systems Shares Floor Space With Soros Group, Partnered With Soros’ Friend


So Much Nonsense In The 2020 Election


Dominion Voting Systems shares an office floor with the George Soros-funded left-wing Tides Foundation in Toronto, NATIONAL FILE has learned. Our tipster makes clear that “Soros people” are very close with Dominion, which has partnered with a voting technology company chaired by one of left-wing billionaire George Soros’ best friends and associates. Dominion was caught flipping votes from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, and Trump has cited data to accuse Dominion of widespread vote-flipping and vote-losing in key states. Dominion is headquartered in Toronto and has a U.S. office in Denver.


The Robertson Building’s Directory of Tenants shows that Dominion Voting is listed at both Suite 200 (the suite Dominion lists publicly) and also Suite 370, which places it in neighborly range of the Tides Canada Foundation in suite 360. The Tides Foundation has reportedly received more than $20 million in donations from George Soros’ groups, and Tides shares Soros’ vision for a radical left-wing makeover of Western civilization and the world. Tides has given out money to numerous left-wing groups including ACORN and Project Vote and recently created the Black Lives Matter Support Fund.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.11632903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2958 >>3053 >>3332

Intel Officials Confirm Biden Isn’t Getting National Security Info Yet Because He Isn’t POTUS


Until the General Services Administration confirms that Biden has indeed won the election, he will not receive highly classified national security intel


The office of the Director of National Intelligence confirmed this week that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is not receiving sensitive national security information and related intelligence reports because the General Services Administration has not confirmed the winner of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.


“ODNI follows the statutory direction provided in the Presidential Transition Act, which requires ascertainment of the candidate by the administrator of GSA prior to supporting a potential presidential transition,” the office of Director National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told NBC News in a statement this week. “ODNI would not have contact with any transition team until notified by the GSA administrator.”


Biden is also not receiving the President’s Daily Brief because President Donald Trump has not authorized the release of the various intelligence reports contained within to the Biden team.


An National File reported earlier this week, the office of GSA head administrator Emily Murphy has not signed an official letter of ascertainment declaring Biden as the president-elect, drawing the ire of Democrat activists and left-wing media outlets as well as several Republican senators.


“An ascertainment has not yet been made. GSA and its administrator will continue to abide by, and fulfill, all requirements under the law,” a spokesman with the GSA told reporters, adding that GSA administrator, Emily Murphy, will only execute a transition of power when a “clear winner is clear based on the process laid out in the Constitution.”


If the GSA were to have made a determination that a transition of power was to be executed, the Biden campaign would be provided federal tax dollars for travel and salaries.


Republican senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told CNN this week that he thinks Biden should begin receiving sensitive national security intel right way, stating, “Yeah, I think he should.”


Oklahoma senator James Lankford (R-OK) has gone even further, threatening to “step in” to force the GSA to certify a Biden election win because he’s “on the committee of oversight.”


However, the decision of ascertaining the winner of the presidential election for the purposes of distributing classified information does not fall to the Senate, but rather to the GSA.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.11632926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3332

China and group of 77 call on Israeli occupation entity to withdraw from Syrian Golan


New York, SANA- The Group of 77 and China Called on the Israeli occupation entity to immediately withdraw from the occupied Syrian Golan and the occupied Arab territories.


The foreign ministers of the member states of the group called in a ministerial declaration adopted by the forty-fourth annual meeting, which was held virtually, for the immediate and complete withdrawal of the Israeli entity from the Syrian Golan and the occupied Palestinian territories Into June 4th, 1967 line, and the rest of the Occupied Lebanese territories.


The ministers renewed their rejection of the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on Syria that negatively affect the development and prosperity of the Syrian people, stressing the need to lift them immediately.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3 p.m. No.11632956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3332

Joy Reid and Adam Schiff complain that Congress will be investigating instead of legislating under a President Biden: 'Tearing down our democracy'




MSNBC's Joy Reid and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) are not routinely described as people who are overly gifted with self-awareness.


Schiff shouted accusations against President Donald Trump even before Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, 2017. He was the face of congressional investigations of Trump and his team that went essentially nowhere — other than the impeachment of the president, which was a political, not a legal, result.


He claimed Trump had colluded with Russia in 2016 but came up empty — and then hid evidence that he knowingly lied about it.


And Reid and her cronies at MSNBC cheered Schiff on all the way.


Now, suddenly, Reid and Schiff think ongoing congressional investigations of an incoming president will be "tearing down our democracy."

What did they say?


Schiff appeared on Reid's MSNBC show Thursday, and the pair lamented together how terrible Republican investigations during a Joe Biden presidency would be.


Reid began by complaining, "Both House and Senate Republicans have made it clear that, when sort of the normal order resumes and when Congress is back in session and at work, they're not interested in doing any work that involves legislating or helping people during this awful pandemic."


"What they want to focus on is investigating. They want to go after Hunter Biden still. They want to go after the investigations that led to impeachment," she cried. "They want to go after the Mueller probe again."


Then she asked the big question — without, apparently, noticing the irony:


"Is this what we're going to have to sit through for the next four years — Republicans just doing investigations and refusing to legislate?" she asked.


Naturally, Schiff went right along with Reid's sudden concern over ongoing congressional investigations.


He lamented Republicans' desire to continue engaging in "tearing down our democracy."


The lawmaker said he and his fellow Democrats would have to have the courage to "overcome" Republicans who want to "go after" Biden.


Video: Amazing stuff as MSNBC's Joy Reid and Adam Schiff say Republicans investigating a Biden administration would…

— Curtis Houck (@Curtis Houck)1605226455.0

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:01 p.m. No.11632971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3332

McEnany dodges on Trump attending Biden inauguration: He'll 'attend his own inauguration'


Top Trump aide Kayleigh McEnany on Friday sidestepped whether President Trump would attend President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration, saying Trump plans to "attend his own inauguration."


McEnany, the White House press secretary, appeared for an interview on Fox Business as a senior adviser to Trump's campaign and pushed back when asked if Trump would definitely attend Biden's inauguration.


“President Trump believes he will be President Trump, have a second term,” McEnany said, adding that “litigation is the first step" and there were "many steps” until Inauguration Day in January.


Fox Business host Stuart Varney noted that it "would look pretty bad" if Trump did not attend his successor's nomination.


"I think the president will attend his own inauguration,” McEnany replied. “He would have to be there, in fact."


WH Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany, appearing on Fox Business as Trump Campaign Adviser, on whether Trump will attend President-elect Biden’s inauguration ceremony:


“I think the president will attend his own inauguration.”

— The Recount (@therecount) November 13, 2020


Biden was projected to win the presidential race on Saturday after extending his lead over Trump in several battleground states, though the president has refused to concede and his campaign has mounted legal challenges in states including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.


The Trump campaign’s bid to stop vote certification in Michigan was declined on Friday, and a hand recount of votes in Georgia is currently underway.


Trump's refusal to concede has caused issues for Biden's transition. Emily Murphy, who oversees the General Services Administration, has blocked access to federal funding for salaries and travel by declining to acknowledge Biden as president-elect.


And the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has not interacted with the Biden campaign, meaning that he's not getting access to presidential intelligence briefings. A number of GOP senators have since come out this week calling for Biden to get access to such briefings.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:05 p.m. No.11633033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3053 >>3091 >>3113 >>3332

Pelosi to Host Large Dinner for New House Members as Democrats Urge Americans To Stay Home and Not Host Family Gatherings Due to Coronavirus


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is hosting a large dinner at the Capitol Building for new members Friday night, a move seen as hypocritical as Americans are being warned by government officials (and House Democrats!) to stay home and not hold family gatherings over the holidays because of concerns about spreading the COVID-19 China coronavirus. The Republicans are holding their own dinner for new members, but the GOP has generally been the party that urges caution but respects the rights of Americans to decide for themselves on dealing with the virus in social situations.


(UPDATE at end. Pelosi dinner has been modified with a “to-go” option.)


NBC News reporter Leigh Ann Caldwell posted a photo of the set up for the dinner to accompany her report on comments by Pelosi, “House Dem and GOP leaders are holding respective dinners for new members. @SpeakerPelosi told me it’s safe. “It’s very spaced,” she said and there is enhanced ventilation and the Capitol physician signed off.”


Incredibly, as even as their large dinner was being set up in the Capitol, House Democrats sent out this message urging to Americans to stay home, “We are in this together. Protect yourself and loved ones. Continue to #StayAtHome, practice social distancing and #WearAMask.”


Reaction has not been kind from people sympathetic to Pelosi.


CNN Republican commentator Doug Heye, “Every time I’ve agreed with Democrats criticizing Trump and other Rs for irresponsible action and rhetoric around Covid, I didn’t think Nancy Pelosi would hold a potential super spreader dinner in the Capitol.”



Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.11633056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3332

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem won't comply if Biden pursues national mask mandate


Biden 'doesn't have the authority to institute a mask mandate,' Noem's office said


As former Vice President Joe Biden proposes a nationwide lockdown and a national mask mandate in response to resurgent coronavirus cases in several states, at least one Republican governor is promising she will not comply.


Calling all Americans to take back our constitutional freedoms


In a statement made to the Argus Leader, a South Dakota newspaper, Gov. Kristi Noem's office said that Biden, as president, would lack the authority to impose a nationwide mask mandate on state governments.


"It's a good day for freedom. Joe Biden realizes that the president doesn't have the authority to institute a mask mandate," Noem communications director Ian Fury said. "For that matter, neither does Governor Noem, which is why she has provided her citizens with the full scope of the science and trusted them to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved-ones."


Though Biden cannot constitutionally compel state governments to adopt a mask mandate, senior advisers on his presidential transition team reportedly say the presumptive president-elect will begin contacting governors and prominent mayors asking for local governments to impose mask requirements. Currently, 33 state governments have some sort of mask requirement for people who go out in public.


Noem, a first-term governor, has adopted a freedom first approach in response to the coronavirus pandemic in South Dakota. While many states imposed stay-at-home orders, Noem refused to implement what she's referred to as "draconian lockdowns."


"We already know that lockdowns don't stop the spread of the virus. However, they destroy small businesses and jobs, and they make it difficult for families to put food on the table," she wrote on social media Thursday.


According to the Argus leader, as of Friday 62,327 South Dakotans have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since the pandemic began, and 568 have died from the virus or from complications related to it.


In an October op-ed for the Rapid City Journal, Gov. Noem explained why mandatory masking as a "one-size-fits-all approach" to combating the virus is not right for South Dakota.


"In many other places — from Los Angeles and Miami to London and Paris — cases have exploded despite the existence of mask mandates and other harsh restrictions," Noem wrote.


There are times when masks are appropriate. For example, masks are a smart precaution when caring for a symptomatic person who is coughing or sneezing. Masks are also recommended in hospital settings. Data suggest that N95 masks can be effective when worn appropriately – changed regularly, fitted properly, and not touched. But if you're alone in a park, or hunting in a field, risk of transmission is negligible, even without a mask.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:12 p.m. No.11633137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3149 >>3332

Twitter Says Around 300,000 Tweets About US Election Flagged, Labeled ‘Potentially Misleading’


An estimated 300,000 tweets related to the 2020 US presidential election were flagged for misleading content, according to an update issued by Twitter this week.


“Approximately 300,000 Tweets have been labeled under our Civic Integrity Policy for content that was disputed and potentially misleading,” Twitter announced in its November 12 update on election policy.


“These represent 0.2% of all US election-related Tweets sent during this time period.”


The advisories were implemented on October 27 and ran until November 11, one week before and after the November 3 presidential election, respectively.


The social media platform claimed, on average, 74% of Twitter users who viewed the flagged tweets did such after the label or warning was applied.


Exactly 456 tweets included in the estimated total also received a warning message and had certain engagement features limited. In turn, Twitter users could view and quote-tweet the posts in question, but not retweet, like or reply to them.


“We saw an estimated 29% decrease in Quote Tweets of these labeled Tweets due in part to a prompt that warned people prior to sharing,” the social media outlet highlighted.


The platform’s effort to combat the spread of election misinformation also included the addition of “pre-bunk” prompts backed by data provided from a number of “official sources.”


Twitter has been reminding people in the US for several weeks that election results might be delayed. Today, you’ll see an updated reminder when you open Twitter with the latest #Election2020 news and information about when and how votes are counted.

— Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) November 5, 2020


Twitter flagged at least 50 tweets and retweets issued by US President Donald Trump to his nearly 89 million followers in the two-week period, according to Newsweek.


"This claim about election fraud is disputed” accompanied a November 7 tweet from the president claiming he truly won the presidential election.



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020


Democratic US President-elect Joe Biden ultimately won the election and flipped several historically red, or Republican, states like Georgia and Arizona.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:13 p.m. No.11633150   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3203 >>3332 >>3423

Hollyanne Milley, Wife of Joint Chiefs Chairman, Saves Veteran's Life at Arlington


Hollyanne Milley did what nurses do – she ran to help someone in trouble. And on Veteran's Day, her instinct saved a life.


She jumped into action while at Arlington National Cemetery, where she was attending the traditional Veterans Day wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with her husband, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley.


President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence had not yet arrived when a man collapsed on the steps of the Amphitheater near the Tomb, Hollyanne Milley told NBC News' Courtney Kube.


"I just saw legs laying there," said Milley, a registered nurse. She rushed to help and found the man unresponsive.


"When I first got there, he was breathing in a very erratic way that he wasn't really taking air into his lungs as he should have been," she said. "And then he stopped breathing."


She couldn't find a pulse as she began chest compressions and called out for someone to dial 911.


"I did about two cycles of CPR, and then he just took a big, deep breath and kind of groaned a little bit and then started moving around," Milley told NBC.


"I put him in a side recovery position and just talked to him and told him what was going on and encouraged him to take deep breaths," she said. Fort Myer Emergency Medical Services then arrived and took him to a local hospital.


Milley told the news outlet that she spoke with the man, a veteran who wished to remain anonymous, on Thursday, and he was doing well and had been discharged from the hospital.


"He's grateful that he will be here next year to again honor those who served," Milley said. "And he said because of a bystander who knew CPR that's why he'll be able to continue on honoring our veterans for hopefully many years to come."


Nursing has a tradition in the Milley family. Gen. Milley has often spoken of his mother, Linda Milley, a nurse who served with the Navy Waves in World War II, as an inspiration in his life, describing her as a "break-the-glass ceiling" type of woman.


Time to dig the wife

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.11633169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3195 >>3332

Video: US Air Force Base Security to Start Patrolling Grounds With ‘Robot Dogs’


Security at one Florida air base will be the US Air Force’s first force to patrol their station with robotic dogs.


Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida has begun using robotic dogs to patrol parts of the base that don’t typically demand a human presence, according to a base news release.


“These robot dogs will be used as a force multiplier for enhanced situational awareness by patrolling areas that aren’t desirable for human beings and vehicles.” Maj. Jordan Criss, 325th Security Forces Squadron commander at the base, said in the release.


Tyndall also posted a video of the robotic rovers on the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS).


The “dogs” superficially resemble commercially-available devices built by Boston Dynamics that went on sale earlier this year. However, the Florida base’s robots were developed by Philadelphia-based technology company Ghost Robotics. Prototypes were tested at Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base in September and proved capable in support and reconnaissance roles, Sputnik reported at the time.


The four-legged computerized canines are semi-autonomous and carry cameras to track activities in front of them and inform people at base security headquarters about what’s going on. They are not intended to replace working dogs used by soldiers, but there have been rumors the Pentagon is experimenting with robotic dogs of war as well.


“We will be able to drive them via a virtual-reality headset within our Base Defense Operations Center,” Criss explained. “We will be able to see exactly what the robot dog is detecting through its mobile camera and sensor platform if desired, we will also be able to issue verbal commands to a person or people through a radio attached to the dogs.”

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:15 p.m. No.11633182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3210 >>3332

Gen. Hyten, Embattled Joint Chiefs Vice Chair, Will Not Seek Second Term


The nation's second-highest military officer will retire next year instead of seeking a new term in the Pentagon.


Air Force Gen. John Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will not seek renomination to the position following his two-year tenure and will instead retire, according to his spokeswoman.


"General Hyten has always understood his tenure as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would last two years and plans to retire upon the completion of his term," Maj. Trisha Guillebeau, said in a statement Friday. The news of Hyten's retirement was first reported Friday by USNI News.


Hyten's term is set to conclude Nov. 20, 2021.


Under federal law, the position of vice chairman is appointed and confirmed by the Senate for a two-year term. The law was recently amended, however, within the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. It established a four-year term for any vice chairman appointed after January 1, 2021.


"The intent of Congress was to offset the Chairman and the Vice Chairman positions by two years," Guillebeau said. The next vice chairman will serve a four-year term.


The news of Hyten's retirement comes after a federal judge last month rejected the dismissal of a lawsuit filed against Hyten by his former top aide, a subordinate female officer.


The lawsuit, filed by former Army Col. Kathryn Spletstoser, who served for 28 years, alleges he sexually assaulted her while she worked for him at U.S. Strategic Command in Nebraska. Spletstoser first brought the allegations against Hyten in spring 2019; The former colonel has maintained Hyten assaulted her multiple times between 2017 and 2018. Hyten, meanwhile, has asserted he is innocent.


When the allegations surfaced in July 2019, an Air Force investigation report showed that officials were unable to corroborate the assault. As a result, the military did not charge or recommend any administrative punishment against Hyten.


Guillebeau said that Hyten has previously mentioned retirement throughout his military career, which he had planned to do prior to becoming the vice chairman. The Washington Post in 2019 noted that Spletstoser had also believed Hyten planned to retire after his assignment at STRATCOM.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.11633206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3332

Army Activates Two Israeli Iron Dome Missile Defense Batteries at Fort Bliss


The U.S. Army announced today that it has activated two air-defense batteries at Fort Bliss, Texas that will test the Israeli-designed Iron Dome system to see if it can be plugged into the service’s air and missile defense network.


Designed by Rafael Advanced Defense System Limited, the combat-proven Iron Dome features the Tamir interceptor missile, produced by Raytheon. The system is designed to track and destroy enemy missiles and other threats launched from up to 40 miles away.


The Army announced its plans to purchase Iron Dome in February 2019 to comply with the fiscal 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which required the service to equip ground forces with two Iron Dome Batteries by 2020.


The activation of the Iron Dome batteries at Bliss provides the Army with an interim cruise missile defense capability to protect critical fixed and semi-fixed facilities from multiple air and missile threats, according to an Army release.


It’s still not certain whether Iron Dome will meet the Army's needs, modernization officials have said. The system will have to demonstrate its ability to plug into the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System, or IBCS, that the service has chosen to manage all of its air defense sensors and interceptor systems.


Gen. John "Mike" Murray, commander of Army Futures Command, told reporters in late May that the Army will make every effort to integrate Iron Dome into the IBSC architecture, but the service is “not interested in standalone systems.”


The Army received the first Iron Dome system in late September and expects to receive the second system by February. The soldiers assigned to the batteries at Bliss will begin training on the Iron Dome systems and testing how well it integrates with the IBCS system in an attempt to reach operational deployment capability, according to the release.


The Iron Dome systems will then compete in an Army shoot-off event in fall 2021; the event is open to all defense firms that can demonstrate that their systems can plug into IBCS.


Bruce Jette, the Army’s top acquisition executive, agreed with Murray, explaining IBCS will manage multiple air-defense systems to support each other with detecting and tracking targets, while another system could end up destroying the target.


At the same meeting with reporters in May, Jette acknowledged that Iron Dome was a great air defense system. But, he said, the system’s integration with the IBCS is the "the critical piece that we want to get to."

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:22 p.m. No.11633272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3292 >>3332

President Trump May Make Surprise Appearance at Trump MAGA Rally In Freedom Plaza on Saturday in DC


On Monday we announced a MAJOR MARCH FOR TRUMP Planned on Saturday November 14 — at Noon Eastern in Freedom Plaza.


This is a major event that was announced on Monday.



Please RSVP at StopTheSteal.US


After the announcement Big Tech immediately began censoring this peaceful rally!


And Event Brite removed the announcement from their platform.


On Friday night Seb Gorka announced he will be at the rally on Saturday.


President Trump later tweeted out that he may attend the rally tomorrow in Washington DC.

Anonymous ID: d21474 Nov. 13, 2020, 3:24 p.m. No.11633297   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New York GOP congresswoman-elect reveals interest in forming House anti-socialist 'Squad'


'People were really fed up with the direction the Democrats were trying to take us,' Nicole Malliotakis tells 'Fox & Friends'


Newly elected House GOP members could form an "anti-socialist squad" to counter the ideas of far-left Democrats, Rep.-elect Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., told "Fox & Friends" Friday.


“I can tell you here in NYC, and I assume in cities across America, people were really fed up with the direction the Democrats were trying to take us,” said Malliotakis, who will represent New York's 11th District, which covers Staten Island and parts of South Brooklyn.


Malliotakis added that political figures like New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had moved the city “so much to the left.”


“And you have individuals like my opponent [Democratic Rep. Max Rose], who had rallied with the 'Defund the police' movement and really had just gone along with the gang," she said, "and people want to see a two-party system, they want to see checks and balances, and I will be the only Republican representing our city in Washington and it is a much-needed voice and perspective.”


Rose conceded to Malliotakis Thursday and pledged in a statement to work toward a "smooth transition" of power.


“As we continue to count every ballot and are on track to dramatically narrow the gap by tens of thousands of votes to a 4-5 point margin, it is now clear that we will fall short of 50.1%," Rose said.


Rose, considered a moderate Democrat, was elected in 2018. Prior to his win, the 11th District had been held by Republicans since 2013 and was the only New York City congressional district won by President Trump in 2016.


Malliotakis is one of 35 Republican women who will serve in the newly elected House of Representatives next yea, which she said indicated that "much-needed new blood" is coming through.