Anonymous ID: 8072ad Nov. 13, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.11634659   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dear combat vetanon, I will pray for you forever if you wish. My father had raging PTSD all his life after serving thru war. I grew up not knowing anything about his pain until I was an adult. What a difficult road for so many vets coping with so much. I hope you stick with the VA if you think it's best for you, my dad loved the VA once it was being corrected. POTUS wants everything best for you. I want everything best for you. God put you, YOU, here for a special reason. You are a warrior of good & truth & this world needs more warriors like you. I'm sending prayers for you to help lead us in this battle of TRUTH & JUSTICE. Thank you for being here & being a great warrior at this most important moment in time.