>>11634197 lb
Counterinsurgency is a fundamentally flawed model.
An insurgency is comprised of a set of core values disparate and incongruent with the current authority. The only way of eliminating an insurgency is to include its values into the authority structure (which may very well translate to submission/capitulation) - or to exterminate the value holders wholesale.
The process can be either fast or slow, but an insurgency can't be ended by half-hearted measures as it represents a separate culture and effective nation which sees itself as distinct from those around it.
Counterterrorism can disrupt and destroy the operating cells of organized groups which can and often do agitate differences between disparate groups. Counterinsurgency simply forces what would be local governments into clandestine cells which operate exclusively in opposition to the authority structure.
The question, of course, is who is the insurgent?
Within our own nation, I would argue that many of the issues which agitate and motivate the left can be addressed by a return to real economics (no federal reserve) and real market capitalism rather than government industrial complexes. Do that, and most of them will eventually settle down and realize that they have opportunity to live and aspire as human beings. Which is what they are pissed about - they have just had their brain fucked so that they can't pinpoint the causes of why they are upset.
However, from the opposite side of the field, humanity itself is seen as an insurgency against the rightful rule by our betters. Our very model of governance, our concepts of roghts and our aspirations of individual liberties are all seen as affronts to their order.