Anonymous ID: 01735f Nov. 13, 2020, 8:15 p.m. No.11637166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Its all coming together - two days ago, Mercury hit Scorpio, so secrets are being revealed. This times in perfectly with the trump/Dominion tweet saying the got caught.


Today, The Day of Donald the White Haired (hat?) in the Rose Garden, Mars goes direct:


This is important because all of the weirdness that's gone on here and in the elections can be chalked up to being in sync with Mars and ultimately the combat between Jupiter and Saturn. As Mars goes direct, over the next couple days, things will begin returning to normal. Meaning Trump stays, Shills get fucked.


Here's the grand poohbah - December 21st 2020. On the winter solstice this year you have the Great Conjunction - at this point Jupiter Triumphs over Saturn and take primacy:


Jupiter, as some of you may be aware, is the god of Growth, Expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. The Roman Triumph, which is where Rome publicly celebrates and sanctifies the success of a military commander who had led Roman forces to victory, the Csear would PAINT HIS FACE ORANGE/RED to invoke jupiter.


Saturn, mythologically, represents death, coldness, decay, withering, self cannibalization, sadness, and generally Blueness. He even ate his OWN CHILD to secure his power (think of Biden's SACRAFICE OF Beau). Saturn was Exiled from Olympus by Zeus aka JUPITER.


TRUMP = Jupiter

BIDEN = Saturn

2021 is Also the year of America's pluto return (using the signing of the declaration as the birth of the nation) Come 2024, pluto moves into Aquarius. Last time that happened was our revolution, the French revolution, and the enlightenment.


Aquarius is also the astrological energy of Palas Athena who, being a woman born of a man (JUPITER/ZEUS) declared that men, not women, were superior because it was man's seed into the soil of the womb.This angered hera and the other goddesses.


Basically, come 2024 one should expect based conservatism as we mow down commies. This is the end of the era of the Feminie Energy - JUPIER REINGS


China will also get its ass handed to them and go through their own revolution, and this is what im most hyped for.

From another anon: Check out DarkStar Astrology blog. Utterly based, pro Trump, Pro Brexit astrologer. She predicted Trump's win in 2016.

In December 2019 she also noticed worrying forecasts for a small pox/ spanish type flu outbreak for 2020.


One of the comments on the blog is very interesting.


"New moon on nov 14 forms a very tight yod with Trump’s natal sun …new moon 23 Scorpio sextile Jupiter 23 capicorn, finger of god points to his natal sun 23 Gemini, all with Pluto and Saturn more widely sextile. With the dec14 total solar eclipse conjunct his natal eclipse moon, he has very powerful sun/moon conjunctions going for him. He is has a huge destiny, on the level of a Churchill or Lincoln."