>Gohmert also mentioned he heard it from former Intel people.
>I doubt Gohmert is lingering in image boards looking for scoops to ruin his credibility with.
KEK of course not. Timing is everything. To avoid compromising in state assets a nice nosy civilian making a drop on /pol/ which spreads around the world like wildfire, all he had to do is wait until everyone started spreading it and tweet it to the election fraud team.
THEN he could talk about it. Keeping in country assets safe from discovery is important. I just hope this sparks the Euros to do what we've done!
I'm gonna cap it to avoid breaking my hand retyping it. KEK
>You're an awful judgemental fuck if you are in AA you asshole…
WTF are you on about?
>if POTUS were watching the Bread, what would you say/ask?
Please let me write the new
Ethics in Educational Publishing and Academiabill and new history curriculum called
Historical Perspective where for instance we'd watch a western film on WWII on holocaust, then a film like Europa and then study the differences. We'd study the Japanese perspective and hear from other voices. THEN engage critical thinking and discussion skills and develop an independent mindset outside the programming barriers of the home which often perpetuate old myths of victimhood and oppression.
Another example is a side by side examination of black history and culture. IE pic related as opposed to pic related. What happened? gibs happened. Degeneracy happened.
That's what I'd ask. Make school about learning again. I'd also divide classes into learning style groups and have teachers with the same learning style teach those kids. I'd start teaching personal responsibility in Kindergarten, and fiscal responsibility by 6th grade to grow in subject depth as the student grows.
Hire me please. Save the children. 1619 is already in the books. A "history"book I was working on in 2016 due to the printers Nov.8 had an entire section complete with statistics devoted to our glorious first madam president….by GREENBERG.
In my bill I'd forbid academic behavior that suppresses knowledge growth. AND history, WITH PENALTIES. Right now information is suppressed to hide things we should know. Things that would make us stronger and better.