]POTUS[ goes all the way to TOTAL VICTORY.
Can you do the Thizzle dance?
Everybody in power is a weak geek. People that got their ass beat in high school.
Look at them. They're geeks.
What what in the butter.
Fuck Newsmax. It's just the next place to fuck their audience. People need to quit running to next and realize it's all CIA on the TV.
>>11638577 (me)
"Oooooh! I like them! They're telling me what I want to hear. They're great!"
I guess they're getting closer. When Newsmax fucks them, and then the next 50 that pop up to catch them, on the 51st one they'll get it.
I'm skeptical Vigano is just a Catholic Church self-preservation op.
Piss on the Pope.
For sure. Plenty of good people attend. Just not sure how many good in leadership. And he pops up here, hmdoes he have a history of talking out about his peers raping kids? I dont know. Skeptical. They've been around for a long time. Surely they recognize a movement and how to engage it if it gets enough following.
Give me 10% I'll talk to God for you. The whole structure is fucked. You confess to God not to a man. You can talk directly to God.
Yes, Sir!