>>11638912 stealing fire
>>11638935 Smartmatic, Economist is Rothchilds
>>11638972 your thoughts are appropriate for a man without hope in eternity. This life is but a vapor compared to what lies ahead..Faith is then needed, with faith comes more understanding and truth. The Holy Spirit is a real "thing". It is a part of God and is also God. His promise is to lead you into all truth.
>>11638952 God allows evil to fulfill His divine purposes. God is always in control.
>>11639102 you are. you will be judged by what you have done in this life. It will have bearing on your eternal life later.
>>11639118 God is in control. He has a plan for mankind. Certain things must be fulfilled before other things can proceed. The punchline is that this life is not all there is.
>>11639069 maybe approach it this way; Humans were created with a "void" inside. Originally (at the beginning of man) there was not supposed to be this "void". Man in the form of Adam pulled away (disobeyed) the creator thus cementing the void in our DNA. The Holy Spirit is God and also a "personality" of God. When a person opens the door to their void to God, through petition, curiosity, prayer, the active force of God on the Earth (Holy Spirit comes inside the void of the person. At that point the dynamic becomes very personal. Further becoming a "relationship" with ongoing communication from God to the person and from the person to God. It takes Faith to get it started. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.
>>11639288 Yes it is prophesied that the Anti-Christ (in fullness, as the spirit of the Anti-Christ is already on the Earth) will claim to rule under the authority of God. My view is that God set all things in to motion. He has a plan for mankind who He (they) created in His image. We are eternally connected to God through our souls and spirits. He wants His creation to return to Him of their own volition. For whatever reason this is key to His plan. Even though He could snap His finger and make everything perfect, He does not. His "ways" are not our ways. Even contrary to the thinking of man. You hear "trust the plan"? One must trust God for God to help them. Without Faith you cannot please God. Man is obstinate and stubborn, prideful. These are impediments to having a relationship with God.
>>11639356 never Trumper, Romney et al.
>>11639490 Empty suits contain no souls.
>>11639532 abortion stops a beating heart.
>>11639547 that's a beautiful prayer anon.
>>11639601 Would it have been ok for you to be jettisoned into the toilet? or at least do you have any thankfulness that you "free" mother from "the land of the free" didn't coathanger you?
>>11639615 k , so it would be ok for little tiny acorn you to be smashed also. got it.