>who did it?
>when was it done?
3-4 days ago - pic related is on page 2 of the Board Log now
>were any other changes made?
Does not appear so, but only BO can answer that.
>who did it?
>when was it done?
3-4 days ago - pic related is on page 2 of the Board Log now
>were any other changes made?
Does not appear so, but only BO can answer that.
Can confirm.
It's prolly the Comms Crew, but I can't prove it other than likely motive.
So, unlike their tactics on display here yet again, I'll just leave it at that.
Full disclosure:
I posted this on the QR Kitchen Meta pre-election.
It was a culmination of QR bread discussions re: the removal subject.
It appears BO decided it was time and just did it.
He's the BO - his call on what's externally linked or not.
Anons can have a say for sure, but basically nobody gaf.
Which was proven in breads 2 days ago when Comms (prolly freebe) complained and asked for Anons to slam BO's inbox with complaints about it.
The posts received no positive feedback.
So, done deal imo.
If there's demand for it then create a new thread for doing so.
If popular, then BO would prolly be glad to pin it.
Why people think Comms is the only board where that can be done is beyond me.
Creating a new bread isn't the hard part - you do need patience waiting for it to show up tho.
The practice is generally for those who need to get comfy with the formatting of the dough - which doesn't need a new board.
>we dont need them
You really don't.
But, some like to test drive regardless - I get that.
Look, e creates shit breads all the time.
So, not the biggest deal for someone to practice bake a bread here when you think of it in those terms.
But, if doing so, please write PRACTICE ONLY in the title w/o any Bread #'s otherwise slide city happens.