If you look at old newspaper articles, you will see that they repeated for almost a decade "6 million jews" I am not great with history but this was put in newspapers for several years - how can it be 6 million jews exterminated according to the newspapers again and again.
THey put it in for a narrative. THe pics were people who starved and were homeless near the end of the war, lots of them Poles.
I am not saying it didnt happen, but it wasnt 6 million. Thats way too much of a burden and a waster of military resources for Hitler to be that successful.
The Illuminatti are NOT real Jews. because Jews have been persecuted, and expelled from all over Europe, the Illuminati/Cabal chose to hide behind this culture to hide their Satanic practices and to weave a story of how unfairly they have been persectued, and then the halocaust.
That way if you say anything at all against a Jew your anti-semitic and thats just as evil as the N word.
They are using that culture and religion as a shield. Unfortunately the real jews have indirectly benfitted from all of the hype caused and to this day they are above average wealthy and have disproportionate numbers in media and hollywood compared to the average population.
Not all jews are bad, but the numbers are also definitely skewed.