Perhaps the reason why Q returned to this race thing is because he's continuing to set the stage for the release of the Hillary video and the resulting fallout for the Democratic party with black voters.
'When does a bird sing…?' Is apparently a reference to Maya Angelou's book: 'I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings'. But the title of that book did not come from Maya Angelou, she copied it from another black writer named Paul Laurence Dunbar. It came from Dunbar's poem called 'Sympathy':
I know why the caged bird sings, ah me,
When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore,
When he beats his bars and would be free;
It is not a carol of joy or glee,
But a prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core,
But a plea, that upward to Heaven he flings –
I know why the caged bird sings.
{End quote)
The caged bird doesn't sing because he is free. He is not free because he's beating his bars. The poem tells us that its not a carol of joy or glee, but a prayer that he sends up to heaven as he groans 'ah, me'.
The bird has become aware of his situation and he no longer wants to be captive and in a cage. He is 'bruised' and 'sore' because of his many attempts to be free. He hopes to escape one day, and that's why he sings prayers to Heaven.
Maya Angelou co-opted this into a book that she wrote at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. It was about racism, segregation, and oppression of black people—which was allowed by many existing laws at the time.
But the world is different now. Black people have opportunities as everybody else to get ahead. Today, its not racist white people who prevent blacks from getting ahead, its other black people. Its not white people who are murdering blacks in the Chicago ghettos. Its not white people who are singing gansta rap and encouraging young black girls to drop out of school and start breeding and up babies without a father. Its not white people who lead folks like Maxine Waters, Frederica Wilson, and Elijah Cummings to keep their black constituents in poverty while they themselves live like kings and queens.
Q has referred to this part of the Awakening in different ways in the past, but it seems to me that he used the singing bird this time as an allusion to the fact that an increasing number of black people are now aware that the cruel overlords who have kept them down over the past 50 years are their very own. The Oprahs, the Beyonces, the Jay Zs, the Will Smiths, the Don Cheadles, the Whoopi Goldbergs… All of these motherfuckers want black people to keep voting counter-purpose to their own wellbeing by continuing to vote for the Democratic party. Like the House Negroes of yore, they get to maintain their special privileges inside the house as long as the field hands are kept in their place.
Do you notice that with all of these black Liberal Hollywood elites keep running their mouths about POTUS being a racist…They keep saying how proud they are of their blackness yet as soon as they all made some money they moved far, far, far away from where poor black people live and into the swanky neighborhoods where rich white people live—the very people they claim to hate so much.
So, we do understand why they are all attacking the president so viciously now. What audience will be left for them to mislead and lord over after the black population becomes fully awake and turn their backs on the
Oh, for the day…. How will Maxine ever afford to maintain her wig collection after the mansion and all the ill-gotten cash, and the federal pension are seized? Does that bitch even know how to boil a pot of water for her own survival? And can you imagine the aftermath of all this…when people like Joy Reid, Whoopi Goldberg, Don Lemon, and Trevor Noah no longer have voice?