Anonymous ID: f338d1 April 23, 2018, 6:55 p.m. No.1164098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4128 >>4362



In the spirit of camaraderie and unity, I call upon the kikels and jews to listen to Q and open up their borders to black jews all around the world.


Which by definition has no skin color.


Remember, to do so otherwise is unpatriotic and unjewish. Jews come in all colors and sizes, even more so than any other race on earth. In fact, most of the middle east does. Not like so in other parts of the world.


Only a bigot would act like bibi and try pretend only ashkanazis could lead israel.

Anonymous ID: f338d1 April 23, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.1164222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4351



One must understand the basic idea that many of the racial attitudes world wide have been completely infected with kikery to reflect jewish like racial fears and arrogance.


This makes 'racial conflict' an easy way for ((roths)) to control geographically congregated peoples, and at the same time work out of being held to the same standard in an almost magical fashion.


In truth, it does not require FEAR to protect your own people and preserve/advance what you have. jewish/(((globalist))) motivations are primarily based on FEAR, rather than COURAGE. It is effete in nature, rather than MASCULINE.


To UNITE does not imply MIX or lose uniqueness. It implies cooperation, no more no less against a psychological assault and manipulation by those who CLAIM (((lies))) to do one thing (peace), but in reality uses such lies to dilute and destroy the uniqueness of individual races and cultures (manipulation and true goal) by preying upon the FEARS and ANXIETIES of each individual group.


UNITE in this case implies cooperation and unified FRONT against those who seek to MANIPULATE. You can defend your own without FEAR - To unite while remaining DISTINCT is not mutually exclusive.


United States and the West + Russia was founded for OUR people. We have no cause to be led by anything else, or any other's inclinations. Those who transgress upon this is, by definition, a hostile ((cabal)) asset.


At the same time, the WAR is world wide, and while we are masters of our own nations, this does not prevent us from working together with others abroad to fight the ((cabal)).


Simple. COURAGE.

Anonymous ID: f338d1 April 23, 2018, 7:10 p.m. No.1164288   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We need to understand that many of the racial attitudes have been infected with almost jewish like racial fears and arrogance through brainwashing. You DO NOT need to FEAR to defend or FIGHT.


Do this right, and jews will be choking on their own ropes before long.


We can keep what is OURs OURS. It does not need to follow the (((msm))) inspired anxieties and fears - only the knowledge that whoever intrudes upon our nation and our people is a HOSTILE that has no place in our nation.


This does not preclude and is not mutually exclusive to those who are of the same mindset and seek to cooperate. Distinctions are important - and can only be preserved amongst those who share the same mindset.


COURAGE, and rest falls into place. No stupid swaggering nigger/spic whatnot has a place among decent folk who hold themselves true. Those who live as patriots respect the law of the land and its priorities, and in the west, this is for the western peoples primarily first and foremost.

Anonymous ID: f338d1 April 23, 2018, 7:43 p.m. No.1164692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4716



One thing at a time, anon. Jailing/Killing (((globalists))) and expelling/locking up their lackeys (mudslime criminals, jewish pedophiles) come first. Decent people are going to have to fight fucking hard to undo (((globalist))) slave grip not only on blacks but on the world.




This shit's chess, a puzzle. Not a day at the shooting range.

Anonymous ID: f338d1 April 23, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.1164735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4769



Think dependents. Also that number excludes illegals.




Most importantly, freeing the black pop will make it so that THAT problem takes care of itself.

Anonymous ID: f338d1 April 23, 2018, 7:51 p.m. No.1164794   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is going to be some of the most cringe inducing retardation people will have to put themselves through to save our country.


Telling people to walk hand in hand with the very demographic that glorifies raping white women and trying to destroy the west.


Q team, I hope you know what you are doing with this topic and angle.


((cabal)) knows the POWER of this subroutine WELL. Only the STRONG can do this and still maintain and defend themselves. (((globalists))) have already poisoned the well so bad in many ways just talking this way is enough to make many Patriots throw up.


Just a head's up. You might want to secure your base first. More delicate than dancing on silk string from a skyscraper to another.