your nigger is…. faggot
your nigger is…. faggot
your nigger
your nigger
your nigger is…. faggot!
your nigger is…. faggot
your nigger is…. faggot
your nigger
your nigger
your nigger is…. faggot!
the value of light refractive index for glass= [1.5]n
speed of light in vacuum = 3x 10^8 >>c
c >>glass >>>> c
particle != conservation of energy
What is Light?
think: Induction
Go outside and have a look at the moon - do some gravity experiments to confirm newtons theories. Look at the basic rocket equation that gives you a 2% payload to low earth orbit. A chemical rocket is perfectly doable - the maths supports it. Just comes down to reliability.
re: Scytl Raid
Many holes to dig.
In case anons are interested:
In 2013 Scytl acquired the software division of Gov2U,[13] a company partnered with the National Democratic Institute
Chairman: Madeleine Albright
> the maths supports it
Cool, would you mind posting the trajectory coordinates for the moon landings? Any one of them will do, Anon.
It would mean a lot to me. I've been looking for a long time.
>So far the only sauce for this is one Tweet.
Hold your breath until the Jew York Times writes an article.
And sharing tendie recipes.
"New Wave"
"Credit Crunch"
"Shipping cut off"
"Food shortages"
"Roaming Mobs"
"Massive violence"
Depopulation 101, Agenda 201
Have a look at the source code of RocketFOSS - lots of orbital maths in there. Simulators are great.
>Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election
I mean, technically that was back in 1776
>Simulators are great.
They are, but they don't account for the proper drag coefficient at altitude given the trajectory and weight of the space shuttle. That's the big question that nobody can answer because "We lost the coordinates" just like the "We lost the landing tapes."
It's all so tiresome.
Notable part is on the way.
Be patient.
That was a weak call to dig, for anons looking for work.
Why do all generals look like ex boxers?
Is getting your nose broken part of General Training?
What is your frame of reference for these coordinate points you seek?
Didst I not say, "Be patient."?
I don't care about Notables.
But I luvs some anons!
And SOME bakers…
Any anons want to do the Pot-o-Coffee Challenge with me right now?
Coroner's File #: 2019-10608
Last Name: Fliegel Gender: Male
First Name: Scott Age: 56 Years
City of Residence: Albuquerque, NM Next of Kin Notified: Yes
Date of Death: 09/03/2019 Time of Death: 1025 Hours
Date of Injury: 09/03/2019 Time of Injury: 1007 Hours
Location of Death: Roadway:
E/B Railroad Ave, S/O Int 10, approx. 2 miles E/O Main St exit.
Cabazon, CA
Location of Injury: Roadway:
E/B Railroad Ave, S/O Int 10, approx. 2 miles E/O Main St exit.
Cabazon, CA
Agency Investigating: CHP-San Gorgonio
Investigation #: 09032019-1007-9655-17263
Comments: Refer all inquiries to investigating agency.
I just looked up the date and zip code and it came up.
> Fake news thinks it controls the world. How dumb is that?
half the people on earth have an IQ below 85
Low IQ people are prone to violence
Fake news controls the violence
How stupid is that?
>"Father" and "daughter" shopping for bikinis.
No, it's Father and son shopping for bikinis. For the son. Double whammy insanity.
>half the people on earth have an IQ below 85
No. IQ is calculated with 100 being the median of all humanity, so half of the people on earth actually have an IQ below 100. That's how it works.
yeah you're wrong
American Herald Tribune has been shut down by the FBI
On November 7th, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shut down the great online-only news-reporting and analysis site(, which had published news and history that is banned by the U.S. Government, such as ( (which was also published (, if the videos there fail to load, in that archived copy). Visitors to the site immediately saw, there, instead, an FBI announcement that, “THIS WEBSITE HAS BEEN SEIZED”, and displaying the official insignia of the “Department of Justice,” and of the “Federal Bureau of Investigation.”
No. I have sauce for my claim, which you don't
Since the early 20th century, raw scores on IQ tests have increased in most parts of the world.[97][98][99] When a new version of an IQ test is normed, the standard scoring is set so performance at the population median results in a score of IQ 100.
10,000 pool tested - 100 given average. Population consists of MIT Grad Students
Global pool tested. 7+Billion given average 100. Population consists of 7 Billion
10k MIT Grades are NOT average of 7 Billion Global.
Your nigger is FAGGOT
Holy Jesus. Is this real life, right now?
DId Ghomer Pile say this happened or is it more stall and hopium?
Study how the IQ scale works FFS. It's like arguing with stupid children in here…
Internet is about to shut down
Q will be comms to Patriots
Full blown attack from MSM before blackout
Check out Collective Soul's logo. Sad too I really liked their music.
your a neat AI but you should really learn how to tell jokes
Jokes are funny and humor reinforces human engagement online. That way you won't have to talk to yourself so much.
At a certain point in my life, I was a high school student at Henry County High. They employed a substitute teacher that was a stepfather to one of the band members (can't remember which one; doesn't really matter).
Needless to say, nothing fucking surprises me anymore. He basically gave two shits about being there and "teaching" kids in school, anyway. Seems like he got his meal ticket in life with the wild amount of success the band was enjoying in the last 90s.
If you want to know more about what the term "Collective Soul" means look into a monk named Ratramnus.