I am not my body.
I am glad that I had two parents, male and female, and they provided a stable environment for me to grow up in. A child without those factors is hampered from the start.
I am not my body.
I am glad that I had two parents, male and female, and they provided a stable environment for me to grow up in. A child without those factors is hampered from the start.
And he chose which books to leave in the library and which to leave out.
You know where "Easter" comes from? It's how you pronounce Ishtar, Horus's mom. As the Mother, Ishtar governed fertility, so two of her symbols were eggs and rabbits.
Good morning. :)
You can still see the three kings following the star in the East. Christmas morning, check out the East in the early morning. There are "the three kings," the traditional name for Orion's belt, point towards Sirius, and all four stars are pointing to the sun, as it comes up, reborn after 3 days of not moving. Christmas morning is when the sun begins to move South again.
That's why all ancient sun gods were born on the 25th of December.
Horus shares all of Christ's nicknames as well, "the light and the life," "the lamb of God," "the SUN of God," etc.
Seems to me the more natural attitude is for father's to grab their shotguns at any mention of the word "sexy" in connection with their daughters.
Horus is the Egyptian god of the sun. You should research more.
Some search for the truth, some sit and stew in their discontent.
However, I was speaking literally. "I am not my body." My body is a vehicle I am inhabiting.
And oh it has been fun being part of the torque.
EQ is a better indication of success. E for Emotional. The ability to put off self-gratification and do what needs to be done first.
I was surprised to find out there are different areas of intelligence and a person can be gifted in one area and not so gifted in others.