Comstar wants their neurohelmet for great stompy robots!
… Wait… We need GM to up their game on the self-sustained nuclear fusion engine, first.
And myomer…. Well, we kinda got that already.
Comstar wants their neurohelmet for great stompy robots!
… Wait… We need GM to up their game on the self-sustained nuclear fusion engine, first.
And myomer…. Well, we kinda got that already.
Part of the problem is that this is what certain parties are organizing.
Truckers striking will devastate the economy even worse than it already is.
If they do go through with this, then it is a full committal to a takedown of many local officials.
As has already been posted, the world economic forum plans to attach food aid packages to covid vaccine status. Keep in mind that our own moves are to be somewhat predictable.
Part of the reason the oplan never survives first contact with the enemy is because the battle starts when one squad plinks at another squad down by a creek no one cares about and by time a few squads from each side try to move in to help their buddies out - the whole damned division is fighting in a creek bed rather than where either of the generals had things mapped out to go.
It's really fun to post this into faceberg and see what happens.
Add one and pass along. Perhaps someone with better skills could alter it to say Trump won, just to fuck with people.
Think mirrors, kek.
Historically, totalitarian douchebags have been dealt with by grabbing pointy objects and poking holes in them.
I'm told that's unacceptable behavior, though. And heaven forbid we do anything unacceptable.
I'm aware. I just mean that it's funny to get a huge line of "find out more about the elections" bubbles going up in response to faceberg's own bubble.
Kind of like a turing trap for the fact check algo.
I'm not sure if it is abnormal, but it is probably not healthy. I think it is possible for an adult male to recognize attractiveness in a female developing/developed adult features….
But indulging in that as a "I want to help my daughter be sexy" is … Not healthy, though I worry it is being normalized by parts of society.
…. That is what I get for not watching something before commenting on it.
That is quite abnormal, yes.
Reaction and perception are not the same thing.
If a man recognizes his daughter is attractive and sees guys hanging around her - he gets defensive of her because he knows they are likely thinking with the wrong head.
That would be a normal reaction to this preception.
An abnormal reaction would be to go out and buy her bikinis and neglige. But it is the same underlying realization being motivated toward two different ends.
There are some of him from a distance, but it seems he doesn't get photographed often and the media loves to use that one image of him.
No… That's how IQ works. It's a weighted scale with 100 at the peak of the bell curve - or between the first upper and lower standard deviations with 15 points being the standard deviation.
IE - roughly 67% of all people have an IQ between 85 and 115. 12.something% have an IQ between 115 and 130.
If memory serves. Standard IQ tests are meant to evaluate people no more than two standard deviations from their median. If you get beyond that, things start getting skewed horribly and in ways the authors of the test still debate the merits of.
I've lived that shit.
Ironically, I have no idea what my "official" IQ test results were as a kid. Enough to note me as one of them there gifted kids to pump full of ideas that we were going to save the world from manbearpig. That is for certain.
My derp around on the internet score as a teenager was 136. Those can trend higher among educated as they ask questions related to knowledge rather than aptitude, or lower among the lesser educated/practiced.
My ASVAAB AFQT was 98.
A company's internal aptitude test came back with the HR lady telling me she'd never seen a score as high as mine.
So by those benchmarks I would say I am at the end of the curve that is "sufficiently skewed" in standard IQ tests and was part if several research studies through school.
It wouldn't surprise me if people like myself were over-represented here, to use the statistical term.