The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany Tied To The Dominion Election System
Kraken->ney Iraq->Niger uranium forgeries
Its origin can be placed around the ninth century in the monasteries of Ireland, where the monks practiced the recitation of 150 Psalms of David. The presence of numerous groups of lay people in search of communion with God led to a new form of prayer more suited to their cultural background, in fact most of them did not know how to read and write: thus the recitation of 150 Pater Noster was born instead of the 150 Psalms.
At the beginning of the 12th century, the recitation of the Angelic Salutation (that is the first part of the Ave Maria, whose origin dates back to some centuries earlier) spreads in the West instead of the Pater Noster, transforming the biblical Psalter into a "Marian psalter ”, From here on it was called a“ rosary ”which can be recited by anyone.
The Carthusian Henry of Kalkar, in the 14th century, divided the Marian psalter into 15 decades by inserting the Our Father between one decade and the next. In addition, the tradition spread at that time that the Rosary was instituted by St. Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order, a tradition carried on by Alano de la Roche to convert non-believers and sinners.
Many popes have written documents on the Rosary, starting with Urban IV (1261-64) up to John Paul II; many others, despite not having written documents, have exalted and recommended the prayer defined "Gospel in compendium", "psalter of the people", "sweet chain that links us back to God", "family prayer and for the family", " school of contemplation and meditation “.
Is it a gift made by Our Lady; clear?
Mississippi Fred McDowell - Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
Report this SHIT…it's a shame!!