Trump / biden high jump mem please
Want to show my 86 year old mommy
then want to windows paint him farting real hard also to get more thrust
Trump / biden high jump mem please
Want to show my 86 year old mommy
then want to windows paint him farting real hard also to get more thrust
thank you
I resized it
you are a day or 3 behind people have already been posing that question
85 is the retard level line
the line where you cant really teach that person much
Parts of america started lowering their I.Q. quota for police a couple decades back cause 85 IQ people do what they are told without remorse
Q told us the ending at the beginning
I was watching that all go down in the news when it was happening.
Everyone knew then what was up
everything has had a hardware back door since 1998
yeah products and companies popped up they could not control
By 98 they had reestablished full control nothing got made made after 98 that didnt have a back door up to this day