Anonymous ID: 56e5a9 Nov. 14, 2020, 4:08 a.m. No.11640887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0897 >>1205


Lou does a wonderful job during interviews. Yesterday's interview with Powell was great. He always allows them time to keep talking, unlike most others, which allows a free flow information flood that doesn't stop mid sentence and throw off the train of thought.

He deserves a place in the New News Media.

Anonymous ID: 56e5a9 Nov. 14, 2020, 5:07 a.m. No.11641212   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maher on a leash. Drip, Drip, Drip seems to confirm. Controlled.


"The message to Democrats from so much of the country, he said, seems to be: “We don’t like Trump, but we still can’t bring ourselves to vote for you.”


“Liberals can either write off half the country as irredeemable,” Maher said, “or they can ask, ‘What is is about a “D” next to a candidate’s name that makes it so toxic?’”


He cited Pennsylvania Democrat Conor Lamb who says the party’s rhetoric “needs to be dialed back. It needs to be rooted in common sense.”


“There, in my opinion is the crux of the problem,” said Maher. “Democrats too often don’t come off as having common sense to a huge swath Americans. Democrats are the party of every hypersensitive social justice warrior woke bullsh*t story in the news.”


Maher ticked off a litany of headlines, including the one this week about Anne Hathaway apologizing because she plays a witch with three fingers in her new movie and that might offend some.


“Who are these jellyfish?” he asked.


“I can do this all day,” he continued, “Cite stories big and small that are endlessly on people’s news feeds that add up to a constant drip, drip, drip of ‘These people are nuts.’”


“That’s what people vote on,” said Maher. “Not policy.”


Democrats kept saying in the campaign, ‘You can’t possibly think Trump is preferable to what we’re selling,’ and many voters keep saying, ‘Yes. We. Can. In fact our primary purpose for voting for him is to create a bulwark against you. Because your side thinks silence is violence and looting is not.’”