>>11641191 pb
> Podesta wrote "This isn't code or anything so don't bother looking for corresponding code" What do they mean by look for
Podest didn't write that, come on man hes around 70 … easy to check it was a guy called Todd Macklerr
>>11641191 pb
> Podesta wrote "This isn't code or anything so don't bother looking for corresponding code" What do they mean by look for
Podest didn't write that, come on man hes around 70 … easy to check it was a guy called Todd Macklerr
> The Lords Prayer
>O Blessed Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name!
>Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven!
>I praise You this day for the love I have witnessed
>and the forgiving of my transgressions
>as I forgave those who have offended me.
>Your wisdom guides me from temptation and
>Your compassion has preserved me from evil.
>Your blessings refresh and exalt my life.
>I pray my journey to Your Light is always in step with Your Will
>O Lord! my strength and my redeemer, in whom my soul is entrusted!
I'm not even Christian but that New Age Mumbo jumbo version is truly offensive
>Then please… why are the middle of some of the highlighted letters white?
>And the word November doesnt sit left justified properly. Its out of alignment
the highlighted parts appear to me as fake and gey forgeries, anybody with a link to the podestaleaks? did Wikileak curate them?
>Thousands of U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters heading to DC
You don't know "Heshmat Alavi" is a fake profile run by Islamo-Marxist Iranian Terrorist Cult MEK?