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>Well, why did they bring their kid?
>Not condoning but…
>Not very smart.
Great, now ANTIFA knows that all they have to do is stir up enough trouble at peaceful marches so that people like you will suggest to other people that they shouldn't go out to peaceful marches.
(I kid, they already knew that, my point is that what you're saying is essentially surrender, because the very notion that it's not "smart" to bring your kid to a peaceful march is surrendering ground to terrorists, or, those who use fear as a political tool to get people to back down from attending marches.)
>I'm not saying surrender.
>I'm saying we leave the children at home.
You just surrendered.
>There is no peaceful protest with these people counter protesting.
It's not a battlefield, anon.
Should it get to that, then of course you should leave the children at home.
Until then, how is it not surrender?
Let the cops deal with isolated instances of violence by counter-protesters.
There, handled.
The march is peaceful.
Refusing to attend under the fear of injury by counter-protesters is surrender.
Think of it like this: they'd consider it a victory if they were to hear what you're saying here.