Clear Net Bread is getting fucked
>just memes
how dare you sir
"Lord" Malloch Brown: Srubbed or a Scrub?
"The news record is not available anymore."
cats dont clean their own litterbox
guess i gotta revise my previous argument that "no position of any power is put up for election by the masses" given how hard and desperate they are to rig this election
still, aint no fed chair, but clearly potus has at least some power
even i can admit im an ignorant faggot now and then
So he chose to be there, at that time and that place; with his most treasured possession, when antifa were armed with cups of saliva, urine, and sperm.
Wow. "That was pretty fucking stupid." Untilโฆ
โฆyou realize that from her perspective, he was her valiant knight that defended her from the ruthless Antifa. Those violent, ruthless neanderthals that rape trash cans and store windows. Those merciless apes that have loaded weapons and can't aim a weapon at a mostly stagnant target (think Kenosha). Those savage "African" beasts that make white women everywhere get on their knees and pledge loyalty and subserviance to BLM. He was her protector. He was her white knight valiantly marching her to safety in a world surrounded by darkness.
He's got her hooked.
They'll go back to his place; a domicile of refuge and rejuvenation. They'll shower, and recount the evening's events together. He'll remind her of the daring dash they made to the comfort and safety behind friendly lines. He'll remind her that his bravery in the face of adversity is what saved the day, and secured their fate.