Anonymous ID: db2ff1 April 23, 2018, 8 p.m. No.1164906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4935


I don't know Q is regurgitating cuckservative talking points. They have been repeated endlessly for the 30 years and only make Republicans look like idiots. Everyone knows that the modern Democratic and Republican parties have radically different platforms and positions from 100+ years ago. "Demz are the real racists" is a strategy proven not to work, and it is the mark of a clueless GOPe boomer. Blacks, as a group, care neither for liberal nor conservative politics, they vote based entirely on gibs because it is in their immediate self-interest to do so. A good economy can maybe get 20% of blacks voting for Trump in 2020, and that's an over optimistic best case scenario. Trump going out of his way to befriend Black Colleges and charities will only earn him a dagger in the back. Most "leaders" of the Black community are Alinsky inspired agitators and shakedown artists whose money and power are tied to maintaining the current system, and will try to take down anyone who threatens their racket.


If you want to rally blacks, get Kayne to expose the Clinton related child slavery rings in Haiti. They still won't vote Republican, but it cause them not to vote Democrat. Even then, many will still vote D because of promises of affirmative action and welfare.


Get it together Q.