Systems must be re-certified when "Changes" are made. So no changes mean no version updates mean no protection from malware or other types of hacking.
Lets look at the number of years since certificated or updated (any anons wanting to correlate which systems with oldest software on them are as it relates to the states undecided or contested?
All states will have vote counts manipulated to "make it look good" concentration of heavy adding changing and deleting would need to be done in the very populated areas and swing states
EAC Voting System Testing and Certification Program Manual, Version 2.0OMB Control Number PENDING193.
When Voting Systems Must Be Submitted for Testing and Certification3.1.Overview. An EAC certification signifies that a voting system has been successfully tested against an identified voting system standard adopted by the EAC. Only the EAC can issue a Federal certification. Ultimately, systems must be submitted for testing and certification under this program to receive this certification. Systems will usually be submitted when (1) they are new to the marketplace, (2) they have never before received an EAC certification,
(3) they are modified
(4) the Manufacturer wishes to test a previously certified system to a different (newer) standard. This chapter discusses the submission of de minimis change orders, which may not require additional testing and certification. Additionally, this chapter outlines provisional, pre-election emergency modifications, which provide for pre-election, emergency waivers.3.2.EAC Certification. Certification is the process by which the EAC, through testing and evaluation conducted by an accredited Voting System Test Laboratory, validates that a voting system meets the requirements set forth in existing voting system testing standards (VVSG), and performs according to the Manufacturer’s specifications for the system.An EAC certification may be issued only by the EAC in accordance with the procedures presented in this Manual. Certifications issued by other bodies (e.g., the National Association of State Election Directors and State certification programs) are not EAC certifications.