She is legit anon, I am friends with her on Facebook. I don't know how she would know tis though.
No she is real sorry, she was the GOP candidate for the 11th District running against Gerry Connolly.
that true I don't know about the info but she is legit
yep, this is all for building a case for the insurrection act
they need to store the raw data at least temporarily, even if deleted cloud services automatically make backups and of course the data can also be restored through forensics.
I suspect MI has known about the server for quite some time, if they were using government cloud they could have been making backups themselves of the data the whole time.
oh definitely, I work on the cloud myself, really easy to do that type of stuff. The sting operators would have the highest level of admiration control and set up all kids of rules, servers, backups without anyone knowing.
Yea I agree, people are naïve, need to be more street smart in time we live in.
I agree we don't need good optics anymore honestly