Anonymous ID: 425811 Nov. 14, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.11649594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11648106 old bread


Release the KRAKEN.


Released from the UNDERWORLD. Released by HADES at the bidding of his powerful sibling. The others were dismissed before the order given.


What followed?

But what preceded that ended what followed


Fear, sacrifice, revenge.

And denial of supposed rewards.


At first you might think that Sydney has released the KRAKEN, on her own, perhaps, but she did so at the bidding of someone else. In the myth and the movies, the KRAKEN is defeated. Must be defeated. And all the previous efforts by the hero had to have been completged by that deadline. To save the apparent sacrificed ANDROMEDA. The real sacrifice was the monster, MEDUSSA, whose face/mask turned the KRAKEN to stone.


But think know whence FEAR arises. Within. The abyss within. There is a limitless supply ready to be tapped and brought to the surface. Surfacing to consume a supposed, and apparent, sacrifice.


But that would only feed the fear. Not stop it for it would lead to yet another sacrifice, and another, and another.


So, to stop that endless feeding of fear, what must be done is to make a true sacrifice of one's own monster, one's own fear instlling mask, which can turn the other FEAR to stone. Make it freeze, stop, crumble into the sea.


But here the real hero is not the supposed hero. The KRAKEN is not Sydney's monster but the monster beneath the surface of the deep dark swamp - the deep state. To stop the KRAKEN, the enemy must defeat itself.


What is a GORGON MASK/face?

Apotropaic marks.

Ward off evil. Freeze human emotions.


Ok, if MEDUSSA was witch-like, then, it may be that those on her own side, supposed allies/backers/supporters would sacrifice her - or at least her likeness - to provide a mask to ward off the KRAKEN.


Who might rightfully carry the burden of this sacrifice - on behalf of the DEEP STATE - if not the CLINTON FOUNDATION? You can imagine CF offering its own sacrifices to both the white and the black hats. But who would satisfy the understandable desire for revenge that would motivate the hero to de-cap-IT-ate SOME ENTITY that fed/feeds on fear.


Think adrenochrome.

The antidote is not the vaccine.


Now if you were a HRC supporter, at some time in past recent or otherwise, might you have thought of her as a MEDUSSA pre-disfigurement? Something changed a beauty into a monster. Could that somethng be a red pill that cleared the eyes of the one-time-supporter? Look into the face of Medussa? Men turn to stone. Women are simply forbidden from entering the Temple. Or can not see what the men would see and so are immune to the death-by-stone spell. Not that HRC changed. But once decapitated and her body seperated, the head is a face mask, an Apotropaic over the threshold of the door of doors.