You're right to be upset. However one thing I think people overlook with Q is that it's an information dissemination. The DOJ and FBI still have power. Chemtrailing won't stop. GMO and garbage in our food won't stop. Vaccines won't stop. The president only does so much. We've done some good things. We cling to justice because it reassures us we are on the right path to a better society.
Q and Trump can only do so much. Has it been enough? The USA is set up so that the states make their own rules for the most part. Trump calls the national guard on ANTIFA/BLM mobs and the world looks at him like a dictator all the nevers said he would be.
There has to be enforcement on local levels. If they need help, they call for the NG. People should be protesting these state and city governments that let this happen and defund the police there to protect the citizens while they have private security.
We don't. Because it's not that bad here and we have our creature comforts. We let it happen. We are complacent. I'm not promoting violence, but large scale protest and civil disobedience. They've done it all of the world.
One thing's for sure, if we don't see justice now, it's clear there won't be and that Trump won't do anything about it. And now it's public because he talks about it.
Be strong. Keep your family safe away from crazies and may God be with us and this country at this time. In Jesus' name. Amen