Jeanine is probably the show to see tonight, since the election is a legal matter now.
Judges tend to be NOT PLEASED when their orders are ignored.
Agree. He's the Chief LEO in the USA and he fucking TWEETS Law & Order?!?!?? Who's he tweeting to, himself???
They didnt stay in their circles, so theyre hard to count.
Yeah, she finished like 16th in the primaries? Anyway, vote fraud was always the only real election issue. That's what must be corrected right now period
Digits affirm Alito's upcoming decision to whack PA's pee-pee.
More patriots will likely start showing up in DC immediately. Maybe a visit with the Mayor and the Congress.
You aint wrong.
Trump is the CEO of the DOJ. Trump tweets "LAW & ORDER" often.
You know what to do Anons. kek
I guess this is the last day of Infinity Kunt Op, so Cheers to All.
Yeah, that yt channel is casting FauxNews shows rn, until it gets banned.
She looks like a cross between an albino orangutang and a Karen who needs to speak to the manager.
Even Kagan and Breyer wont like the disregard of the direct order.
How can I make a bet on Trump?