I know you know this, but that's the wrong
candidate for that phrase. That's almost as
stupid as your pedo-darling, Biden.
I know you know this, but that's the wrong
candidate for that phrase. That's almost as
stupid as your pedo-darling, Biden.
She's just trying out her prison face.
You understand of course, that this could be con-
strued as threatening behavior, and prosecuted
as libel, don't you?
You understand of course, that this could be con-
strued as threatening behavior, and prosecuted
as libel, don't you?
Oh, absolutely after you, my friend. I insist.
So tell us, O Mighty One, what are you doing?
Blowing up buildings. Burning down Antifa
family homes. Shooting them in the head?
Remember, while you chide us for inaction,
you're here, chiding us for inaction. That makes
you part and parcel a hypocrite yahoo yourself.
So why YOU here? HMMM?
I see lots of quotes from church people around
here. You're Q-Research, what did Jesus actu-
ally teach? Love your enemies, do good to them
that hate you, pray for them that despitefully use
you. That's just one verse, Matthew 5:44. Now, speaking in Dr. Luther's way does-
n't mean he wasn't Christian, that's a separate
But it DOES mean he speaks inconsistently with
his source material. So study it for yourself, do
as it says, and make your life as much as possible
the same as Jesus taught. That's hard work, but
it's a whole lot better than sitting around judg-
ing others when you're doing nothing.
Every Life Matters. Even yours, idiot. 100% do.
They just don't realize it yet. It may take prison
for some to learn; others have had all the chance
we can give them. But Every Life Matters; never
forget that. It isn't just a phrase, it's life.