Does anyone know when Sidney Powell or Rudy is presenting evidence before a judge? Is the timeline for that available?
I'm a relatively new anon, I don't know what d5 means.
Thanks anon
Thanks anon i've been trying to play catch up this week. Reading 4500+ Q posts and doing the research involved is very time consuming. I'm only at Q post 1400 only 3k more to go lol.
Potus must get second term confirmed? or Potus appears as a dictator. Q speaks about optics and how arrests will affect the rest of the world. Everything must be done in order?
How many Q post have you read and researched? There is a very distinct order of things. How can you have mass arrests with a corrupt FBI, DOJ, and judges. Q team has been clearing out 3 letter agencies and Potus has been electing judges for 4 years now. There have been many arrests on the way to this point. The battle is over public opinion. The more the public knows the truth and is persuaded of the deep state the less destruction and burning that will take place. We are more united than divided. Antifa and BLM are illusions. Go back and research Q posts on the subject anon.
The only thing that matters is that the people's eyes are opened. When the people see the truth he wont look like a dictator. Potus has spent 4 years labeling MSM as fake news. More people see and believe this truth every dayy
That's why you are confused anon. The proofs along the way have cemented Q's credibility. You say most have turned out to be hog wash but how many members of 3 letter agencies have been fired. How many sex trafficker's have been arrested, tens of thousands? Jeffery Epstien, Harvey Weinstein, Allison mack sex cult exposed. How many congressman didnt seek re-election 2018 and 2020? How may ceos have resigned? The swamp runs deep but it has begun to drain. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it hasnt been happening. 185k+ indictments waiting to be unsealed.
The dems were just Digging their own grave, If Potus and Q team could prevent fraud in 2016 election to beat HRC, then why didn't they do the same thing in 2018 to keep the house? Battle tactics perhaps? They needed to keep the senate so they kept senate to repeal impeachment and to confirm SCOTUS. False impeachment has caused a lot of Americans to dig and research. It has shown a lot of people the true colors of politicians. Covid has increased the American awakening as well.
Jesus never turned down worship. He declared that he is the "I AM" and therefore claimed himself as God
John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
Jesus was and is God.
Isaiah 44:6 6"This is what the LORD says- Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.
Revelation 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End
Both OT and NT point to Jesus being God
Your Biblical history is hazy anon. 1) Dead sea scrolls 2.) Oral history of the bible is proven to be 100% accurate. Feel free to research on your own. The validity of the Bible isn't even a discussion to any credible scholar only to people who really have no clue what they are talking about, and are just spewing nonsense rhetoric.
And its ironic that you are on this board putting your faith in men who's names you do not know "Q"
The word "Son" has more to do with His nature than it does the optics of His birth. We look at it as humans, Father and son. But in the case of Jesus being the Son of God it is referencing the nature of God manifest. For example, when Jesus calls the Pharisees the son's of the devil, He is not implying that Satan inseminated a woman and gave birth to them. He is saying they share the nature of the devil Just as he is the Son of God and has the exact nature of God, because He is God.
Yes sir, read cover to cover and read everyday, Jesus is God, God is Love, Jesus loves you Anon.
The Truth is out there anon, I find it curious that you are so anti God when Q clearly posts that God wins. This isn't a battle of Dems and Republicans. It is a battle of Good and Evil. Who do you think these sick people are sacrificing children too? The spiritual world is real and its active. The only rhetoric I speak of is experience. Dealing with Demonic entities and witnessing undeniable miracles. Devil is real, God is real. Devils bow to the name of Jesus. That includes Lucifer, Satan, and Moloch. Jesus is Love but He is also a consuming fire and will destroy the works of darkness.
Future proves the past. The life of Jesus fulfilled every prophecy of the messiah in the book of Isaiah and in the OT. And the scripture i shared. In Isaiah God calls himself the first and the last, In revelation Jesus also calls Himself the first and last. Its the same name because its the same person talking.
I don't understand your message, please elaborate. The Torah is a part of the bible. Jesus also quoted Isaiah and said that he fulfils the scripture Isaiah 61:1. Not sure what you are implying.