You're on the wrong board, retard.
>Gold shall destroy the fed
Where do you think (they) got the idea for a great reset from? US. The reset will happen regardless, but it'll be ushered in by the good guys.
Trust the plan and quit worrying about something that will never happen (by their hands)
If the commies win, you'd be dead. So yeah, maybe you should care.
You should know how powerful we are, otherwise we wouldn't be attacked so much for being just a "board".
It has been known from the moment Q spoke of it. Executive orders that will allow us to seize (their) assets will help with the transition into a non debt slavery, non FIAT currency.
They're shills. Q has told us many times to expand our thinking, if they're unable to do that and piece the puzzle together then the fault lies solely on them.
Hey anon, I love me some tomatoes. Good luck.
Nice bait