Nothing is going to happen. Same old bullshit as always. We are a lawless country and everyone knows it.
Nothing is going to happen. Same old bullshit as always. We are a lawless country and everyone knows it.
Q has some serious explaining to do. What happened to all the arrests we were promised?
KEK Q's pictures, riddles, and twitter links never materialized at all. Pretty much it was all complete horseshit. Democrats are laughing.
This is a retarded argument. Trump had 4 years to stop the Democrats from rigging the election. It's been weeks now. If they overturn it, the leftists are going to lose their shit and burn cities down. We all know this. The best plan would have been to actually arrest the known mass murdering traitors years ago. But instead, we got links to yoga music on Youtube. Q is a giant con artist who led us all on a wild goose chase KEK
Q's wild goose chase has finally come to an end kek.
Trump let low IQ blacks at inner city polling stations outsmart Q team and rig the election kek
I'm not going back and reading shit. Q's riddles produced absolutely nothing. Most turned out to be complete hogwash. Hell, some anons are still trusting Sessions kek
Pornfag, quick summon Q! We need some more pictures and riddles kek