Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:42 p.m. No.11652897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2905 >>3132 >>3229

Fellow Anons, this is for you…


I need to lay out what I have discovered and I ask you all to, please, help me with this. Its not just what I discovered, that in its self is unbelievable, but also the truely strange series of events that went along with it. Consciously I can not have it which you will understand as you read through. Please don't let this slide. I know in my gut this is important.


I solved the Q code. Whether completely or partially I don't yet know, but I have had countless confirmations every day of the solution working.


I will detail how the code works but before that I MUST go back to the start of how it came about and the surrounding events which drove me forward because those events are equally significant.


The day before Biden was declared Pres Elect by the MSM I saw the photo and post here by the CIA person “Announcement, shock and change the world, etc.”


So I waited for Trumps announcement on November 7th like the rest of the world was. Trump didnt show. He went and played gold. MSM declared Biden. Both sides flipped out. We all know this story.

But me, like some of you Im sure, knew something was up. We knew it wasnt true, we had to work out what was going on.


If I have one superpower, I know when something doesn't sit right and I have to know why.

And to be honest, up until this particular moment I hadn't done shit here on the research boards. But I've always known that what you are fighting for is right!

I track and follow what you anons do here. Not in an official sense, but to see what you've discovered…. keeping tabs on where its at.


Anyway, back to 11.7.


Barr did his press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping (FSTL). The left were shitting on the right. The right knew it was wrong. Anons were digging up info on Total Landscaping and its importance.

Yes, that digging uncovered a wealth of info. But I knew something was missing…

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.11652905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2909 >>2981 >>3109 >>3132



The next day Twitter and the Left were having a field day over Trump and FSTL. Sex shop, crematorium, Trumps a moron… the usual. It was obvious there was a reason for this.

Then I saw a photo of the factory with Barr giving his talk and… how did I overlook that?

On the wall behind Barr there was an old sign with the numbers 243.

Ok, Ill look up Q post 243.


The post had direct connections with current election events. Even "A good time to prosecute."

Trump released his press statement the same day "Beginning Monday our campaign will start prosecuting."

Wow! Ok.

I check the post 243's date and time.

Dec 1 2017 00:17:43

2 17 17 43

2 Q Q 43



This blew me away! A post from three years ago with the same number as the number on the factory, with a date/time stamp to match! I put together an info graphic, sent it to the internet and was pretty proud of myself.


A couple of days later I was showing my daughter. Like me, she sees through things. She understood the impossible chance of coincidence.

And then she said "and 243, if you add 4 and 3 its 7. The same date as the photo."

"Wow. Another 'coincidence'. Well done!"


But then I thought about it… Hang on, how is this possible? How could such an association be made? The post number, the time and date, the building? For that to be possible…


OMG… Nooooo… It was planned. It was all planned!

I know Q said we were watching a movie but I imagined there was a resistance. The opposition. Still fighting a battle.

But there isnt. It HAS been a movie! The entire thing.

Q could not have made that post unless he KNEW it would happen.

Q could not have made that post unless he was already in control!

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:44 p.m. No.11652909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2914 >>2923 >>2939 >>3015 >>3132 >>3202 >>3278 >>3384



Change of pace…


Also during this time I was in heated Facebook arguments with long term friends. Like, known for 20 years, good, close friends. But over this year we have split apart. Trump 'losing' the election was their ticket to aggression towards me.

My nature is not to attack others. Don't make personal insults. Don't slander or ridicule peoples intelligence. Don't lie. Find the truth. Know it. If you're wrong, admit it. But always stand by your convictions. If they attack, fire back. But still don't get personal. Stay above that level.


So with Trumps 'loss' they intensified. Saying they were worried about my state of mind. My fragile grip on reality. They linked me to articles about people being brainwashed by Q… which was odd because I have always kept Q related things off Facebook.


Then they hit me with it…

One said in one conversation: "You cant go around thinking for yourself if you expect to be taken seriously by your peers."

The following day another says: "Dr Fauchi has (lists all his credentials and experience) and you have none in his field. You cant have an opinion on him."

The third is associating me with with white supremacy, right wing extremists because that's what the Qanon cult is.


I'm not allowed to think for myself. I cant have opinions of others because I'm not smart enough. Im involved in a Nazi cult.

I wanted to at least set them straight about the cult part, so I went to the Q Research welcome page and copy/pasted some of it so they could (hopefully) understand the good intentions of the 'cult'.


Eh… Didn't help.


But then I saw it… The one line, written by God knows who, which changed everything.


“The code is not complicated, because the target audience is YOU the worker, the family, the wonderful soul that you are.”

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:44 p.m. No.11652914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2920 >>2953 >>3132 >>3384 >>3392



Nooo. No way! Cant be.

We have been doing magical number flipping gymnastics for all this time, making broad associations between two time stamps and calling it a decode.

Have all been overlooking the obvious all this time? Surely not!


I went back to Q post 243… The sign on the wall, 243… November 7th…

My daughter… 4+3 =7

November is 11


11.7 = 243


Surely not…


So I took a guess.

Other additions that make 7.

6+1, 5+2, etc…

261, 252, etc…


No way!


I do the same thing for 11.6…

No no no no no… this cant be…


I randomly do some other date combinations in the same week.

This cant be! How is this possible!?

The Q posts for each day, posts made three years ago, were telling of detailing events right now, during the election! Not in a general sense, but specific events that happened on that very day. And events across multiple days.


I was shaking!

I had only done random dates and post numbers at this point and I was rattled enough.

I tried to compose myself and walked away for 20 minutes. My head going crazy.

Then I sat down, focused and started with…

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.11652920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925 >>3132 >>3278 >>3523



November 1st


Q Post 21 - Oct 31 2017

"I've dumped some crumbs like this over the weekend which started the intense shilling. At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of jeopardising the operation."


Far enough along? Why would Q say that at the very start?

Paint the picture? Q doesn't mean…

Crumbs over the weekend? Ok, Ill check. 11.1 2020 was a Sunday, so it wasn't that weekend.

In 2017 the weekend was the 28th and 29th.


Q post 28

"Well done. Picture being painted."



Q Post 29

"Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he's an actor in play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc… "


I do my date decode for Oct 28th and 29th


Q post 128

A huge crumb drop of vital information! We need to be crawling through this!


Q post 129

[C]los[I]ng [A]ct




This is it! Everything has been for now! All the information gathering, all the digging has been for this moment!

The election was the marker.

This is the closing act.

Paint the picture of whats to come!

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:46 p.m. No.11652925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2928 >>2937 >>3132



I had a voice screaming in the back of my mind, I knew what it was saying, but no, not now. Im not acknowledging that right now.


11.1 Paint the Picture

11.2 National Guard

11.3 News unlocks map - The election map is the map.

11.4 The world cannot swallow the truth.

And the RED comms start happening

11.5 Who is Betsy D? - Betsy DeVos arrested for election fraud

WH Party 400+ guests - Trump held WH Party with 400 guests

11.6 Bodied are buried. The map is in front of you - The election map, dead voters

"Be here tomorrow the story unfolds" - Tomorrow is 11.7 the MSM Biden declaration.


And so much more on each day.

Day after day it was all in front of me. I couldn't believe it!

I pushed right up to the current day, 11.11… then I answered the voice in my head.


Ok, lets look into the future…

I started to piece things together, putting the days together, seeing what was going to happen.

I was a mess. I was trembling. I did 11.12… 11.13…

I came to 11.14, screenshotting posts and linked items. I put them all in Illustrator and start laying them out…


And this moment right here will be hard for some to believe, but I don't care. This moment has now and forever changed me…

I was placing the posts in order, one of the posts links to a Trump tweet, I drag it in place and as I read it, "The Storms in the Atlantic are very dangerous", lightning and thunder burst outside.


I was in complete hysterics. Shaking! I didn't know what to feel!

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:48 p.m. No.11652937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2950 >>3015 >>3132 >>3463 >>3603



I finished with 11.14 and posted here what I had discovered.

And I'm sorry to anyone here who found it hard to listen to anything I was claiming. That's completely understandable.


Things don't end here though.


The following day, still frantic, I contacted my mother who I hadn't spoken to in 12 years.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I had to find out if they knew anything.

Anything at all!


Retired now… my mother was a court reporter all her life for our countries version of the Department of Justice (I'm not in the USA), reporting in Supreme Courts and military court marshals, etc.

She remarried to, I couldn't even tell you his job title. I knew of some things he dealt with, like security and anti-counterfeit measures for our currency. I know he was a Supreme Court Judge, but higher. He would not confirm nor deny if he conducted the marriage of a famous performer.

Dave… Dave something?

Understandably I have to keep it vague.


So we start chatting in messenger (I know, not the best place for this sort of thing).

You can read some of the messages, but the two of them were right away pushing the point of "Causing you and your family grief". Then again shortly after "Not worth the grief you're causing yourself and your family."


It was weird. I didn't say it was causing any grief. Didn't mention anything like that.

Then further responses that seem totally out of place for the conversation we were having.

I was a taken back.

Then she said it… "You cant change anything."

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:49 p.m. No.11652950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2955 >>3049 >>3132



I thought back to the arguments on Facebook "You cant think for yourself, you cant have an opinion."

No. That's not right. We have always been told that one man can make a difference. And I am not going to stand down now. Not after having stood strong to my convictions and beliefs all my life.


Now here, again, you may not believe it, but its recorded this time.


Right after she said "You cant change anything"… I looked to the left of my screen… the Research General feed…


Q posted.


I scrambled, desperately trying to tell Q what I had discovered!

The feed was lagging like a bitch. I tried over and over until I saw something of mine post. Who knows if it was noticed. Lost in the noise.

My shaking went.

My head that was spinning, stopped.

I went calm. Relaxed.

I knew which way to go.


I began piecing together 11.15… pulling the relevant posts together.


Q post 2312

"God bless you patriot, Q."

It was the same American flag he had just posted.


So I searched back for other times Q had posted that flag… found it.

One at the beginning.

One at the end.

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 14, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.11652955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2974 >>3015 >>3081 >>3132 >>3142 >>3267 >>3278 >>3281 >>3664



Nov 12 2017 17:37:54

Nov 12 2020 21:32:39


Nov 00 00 33 55


Q Post 33

Im hopeful my time spent here was not wasted.

Take good care.

God Bless.


Q Post 55

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.



So… thats it.

The past week has been a roller coaster.

I finished 11.15 and 11.16. Both have been posted.

The comparison of 11.13 to the actual events when they happened was shocking.


If you take the decode seriously and follow the days in order, you can see the future.


Please, take this from me. Use it. It works.

It may not be perfect. It may need some adjusting for upcoming months. I don't know.


I haven't looked any further beyond 11.16, except occasionally looking at a particular post number and converting it to a date ;)

Maybe that's something you should try.


I still don't understand, or maybe I just cant comprehend yet, how did Q do it?


Every post, coded for a particular day, years in the future, to tell the story of when we took our lives back. And to give us guidance moving forward.


We were always in control.


I don't know if we will hear from Q again. But I do know that Q's time here was not wasted.

For all that you have done…

Thank you!

Thank you for everything!


I have my wife and kids I need to go back to. I've neglected them through this.


Today is November 15th 2020

And, just like before, there is a storm brewing outside.


God Bless.

Anonymous ID: dc53bd Nov. 15, 2020, 12:23 a.m. No.11653133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3185 >>3190 >>3227


>God bless you, anon.

>Ty for sharing this!



Thank you.



> what made you decide, when you were doing your math, to leave out the 12 and the 1 and the 0.

Sometimes 0 doesnt count.


Maybe you should look up Q post 121? See if its in any way related.

Anything relevant to the election on that very day 11.7???