Good morning, Q. One helluva day for a Sunday. Needs a lot more BIBLICAL on this board. Can't stress that enough, but I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, right?
T and Qrumpets
Watch your Pints and Quarts, Mr. Tibbs. There be dragons here.
Dividing peoples from religions also bad idea.
Put yer feelz away, dammit. Is time for bidznets.
Your spelling is atrocious, Joo.
You wouldn't by chance be Silicon Valley, would you? Because Gab deletes that motherfucker, as you can see.
Turbo was always the Slugworth to Jack's Wonka. Everybody knows that.
We used to do searches for "two girls one cup" but now our very souls are shattered by the horror, so all we got now are shills to troll until the bitter end.