It's really habbening!!!
why am I getting a soyboi vibe?
>white framed eyeglasses
>mane of well-conditioned hair
>straight hair slicked back VERY GREASY
>disrespect of flag
>utes and adidas without socks
>ghey running shoes that look like they haven't had 1/4 mile run in them
>"kill bad dudes" what larpers think the military is thinking when they defend their country (a professional military doesn't need to use good/bad propaganda; many understand the opposing soldiers they are killing are probably good people just like them with hopes dreams and families.)
>red bandana
we talk of dying for Jesus
but many of you won't even wear a mask for Jesus
we talk of dying for Jesus
but many of you won't even wear a mask for Jesus
came straight from the pulpit (and lead pastor) at 10th Presbyterian in Philly last Sunday, if one can trust the livestream (I did not witness it in person)