It's Curious How Biden Under-performed Hillary Clinton In Every City…Except These Four.
Was this election stolen? Well, millions feel that way.
The turnout numbers are odd in some states, like Wisconsin, which hit 89 percent. Now, is that
figure impossible? No. Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel did the math, but it’s highly
improbable given the turnout rates in the surrounding areas.
>>>It would require 900,000 people showing up for same-day registrations.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was blunter last Sunday, when he said, “I think he would have
to do a lot to convince Republicans that this is anything except a left-wing power grab, financed
by people like George Soros, deeply laid in at the local level, and, frankly, I think that it is
a corrupt, stolen election.”
He was commenting on Biden’s call for unity. Yet, he also gave a hat-tip to someone we have
written about here: Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham.
“If you count the ballot fraud, most pollsters clearly failed. If you don’t include the
fraudulent ballots, most pollsters failed on a spectacular scale,” wrote Basham.
Yet, here’s where things get fishy in the 2020 race which he mentions at the end of his column.
He cites Richard Baris of Big Data Poll who noted something funny about Biden’s numbers in the
cities, how it lagged behind Clinton’s numbers, but shot off to the moon in these four cities.
Just take a look at the states in which these cities are located as well:
Here’s the best part from what the pollster wrote at The Democracy Institute:
How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican
presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden under-performed Hillary Clinton in every major metro
area around the country, except for
>>>Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
This is not going away, it's way too big.