the voice of God is still proclaiming "I Am That I Am"
Right Now
Because that voice, is what sustains All Being, and All beings
Sit in the midst of the forest, and ask God his name, to this day, you will still hear a small breeze rustling the leaves of the trees
sit in a desert, and you will hear the wind's hands stirring the sands
this is true for every man
I Am That I Am
put simply, "Being"
I see puzzles that
put themselves together and
winds that blow with no breeze
Who Am I
What Am I
But, Simply At Ease
the act of "Creation" spoken of in Genesis is not this "event" in the "distant past" that God manifested "some time ago"
It literally just happened infinite times as i typed this sentence
There was total darkness, and an infinite expanse of Light, faster than any of us can percieve as humans and it collapsed back into the singularity, and expanded slightly larger to accomodate what we perceive as "movement through time" based on the collective intention and will of All Beings Present.
a critical mass have now reached points of sublimation with Pure Being that are helping to guide Being back on its rightful course.
we witnessed the raw storm of Kek, aka Ein Sof, aka Primordial Chaos, aka the "formlessness and void" in Genesis 1 that the spirit of the lord hovered over.
we are witnessing and co creating in the re-issuance of the original Logos that gave Form/Concept/Light to the primordial darkness.
We Are Rebirthing Creation without there being a cease, without their being a massive calamity causing suffering
I have witnessed the creation of a Sangha of immense strength and purity of intention and will, and i know others have witnessed and played a hand in similar undertakins
We are the [Q]rooks on the chess board, with only One king
Love and Blessings to All