Every day we do not hear something on the normie level, is another day Radio Propaganda hosts keep selling the idea Biden has won, furthering the divide and powder keg.
Congrats, pat your selfish self on the back for us
Are you watching it on cableโฆ is there a stream link?
Please just go ahead and namefag
A lot of Americans believe after ANTIFA's manifesto & their video taped evidence that they are Constitutionally Obliged to remove them from this Earth. The Courts catch & release them, politicians kids are mixed in with them, and the media protects them in certain Liberal states.
It is, what it is, quit denying the current reality.
What Judge would see it, accept it, and understand it?
It is obvious that Obama/Bush appointees are extremely political and protect those two puppets
checked, was a good read
Spear Shaker -S.S.
>Kay Griggs whistleblower/tell-all
She mentions this group, Pink Triangle Boys, that group, loves S.S. symbolism
Give stream link please!