Anonymous ID: a56021 Nov. 15, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.11655450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5467



John 3:16


To believe Jesus means faith in what He did for you, and faith takes action. It's like this if you love someone you act in a way to not cause them grief.The actions that come about by true faith don't save though it's only what Jesus did that does save. However, obeying Jesus is to be a good steward with the measure of faith God will give you and not shipwreck it. Sin naturally fights against God and faith, and is a person acting in a way to quench the Holy Spirit who provides faith. God is pure and will not abide with sin. Jesus will never leave or forsake us, but we can choose to leave Him. Remember He empowers us and is is completely good and faithful so can be relied upon to overcome anything that is not of Him. To follow Him one has to lay down All they have and deny themselves, And they will be rewarded with so much more than they 'lost'. Yeah, sometimes it can feel like loss because it removes things we love, but that aren't healthy for our relationship with God. God requires we give Him all, loving Him first and others as ourselves. I am loving you in sharing this with you whether or not you like to hear it. It is true and I hope you like to hear it. I haven't always liked knowing I have to deny myself, but to know God inside of me, is incomparably better than anything I must 'lose', and God strengthens me through anything. I hope you will be very blessed, blessed forever.


By the way, dividing up your birth date in a manner I've learned the number comes up to 1. Also 23 can be 5, and a positive meaning. The hebrew meaning of numbers always has either a positive or negative meaning. However, 23 is quite cursed, take it as a wake up call from God. You may look up the biblical number 1 and 5 meanings for more understanding on that. Yet one can have a fantastic number in this way and still die in the lasting way, like in the manner of the second death. Yes, my dear hell is real. I saw it back when I didn't believe in it. Also friend, it never ends and is filled with more anguishing terrors than the imagination can even begin to comprehend. To be separated from God, who is the source of all goodness is by nature pure torment, nothing good to say the least. The first thing I knew when hell opened for me though having thought of myself as a good person, and others thought of me as that too, was I Deserved It. I knew that without question from the deepest part of me. God disagreed with the pride of my alleged good person-hood after all He is perfect and sinless, and none are good before Him. People must be reconciled through the blood shed of Christ, of Christ Himself Who Is God. He paid the price of sin. Since there is a price of sin, those who are not reconciled through God Himself paying the price for them, will pay the price themselves. They will pay the price of this eternal God who offers salvation for anyone who will come to Him. He paid the price of sin and death for all, but each must choose Him. The price of sin the non-reconciled must pay of this Eternal God is Eternal. God, the Living God, made our souls in a forever lasting way and will not depart with His design for us because mankind sinned when given the option to choose sin or choose God. Love allows choice, and to truly love is to love by choice.


To learn more please go to YouTube and check out Michael Chriswell and Disciple Robert. Don't worry they won't beg you for money or ask you to join some christian denomination.


Now here is my hope for you summed up in a song: "Aaronic Blessing (Hebrew/English) - James Block" on Youtube.


Why should I care about you? The world is filled with tons of people and you are just one person who I've never met. So Why? I care because God loves you.