Anonymous ID: 97abb2 Nov. 15, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.11656695   🗄️.is 🔗kun



5 years ago, my Mum was diagnosed with lung cancer. I had already done a bit of research into immunotherapy and knew that there was an effective treatment but it wan't available on the NHS and cost a fortune.


I did research on foods and found the Budwig Protocol (discovered in the 40s) which oxygenated the body to heal the cancer cells. It's worked on thousands of people over the years.


I didn't give up but the oncologist managed to convince my Mum to give up and also convinced my sister to give up too. I didn't, kept trying to convince her to at least try it but all of the 'support' the time didn't share my view which was dismissed.


Q has confirmed by belief that the medical 'profession' is nothing more than a scam to rob you of your health and life.


Now we have the tests and vaccination scam. My sister told me today that a couple of children at my nephews school have 'contracted' covid and now they all being tested and waiting to see if they have to self isolate.


Despite the concerns I've expressed to her about this fake virus, the testing and the vaccines she believes that it's all real because 'she knows people who have had it' therefore it's enough to convince her that it's real.


Nevermind the goats, papaya fruit an false tests that have proven it to be a scam. She wears a mask when she goes out. I have never worn a mask and have never spoken to anyone directly who has had this 'covid' nonsense. Plus I've never had any of the fake symptoms that seems cover every single ailment going.


I've tried to inform loved ones about the stuff Q has posted in relation to covid but it falls on deaf ears.


It's frustrating because I just wish they would see things the way Q has opened my eyes to. The critical thinking to question 'why'. The fact that this is all run on consent.


There has been a massive ramp up of the fear mongering and the testing/vaccination agenda that people cannot wait for because they think they can then get on with their lives. I've been getting on with it as normal, it's everyone else who have made the stupid changes.


Q has opened my eyes to how things work behind the scenes and how to see through the bullshit in order to avoid being sucked into the blind sheep mentality that I fear is about to walk right into their depopulation agenda.


I hope that Q has a plan to destroy this virus nonsense that shows the most blind sheep that they should not fear it as it's nothing more than a simple cold.!