Anonymous ID: dc96f0 Nov. 15, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.11661536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Rose Garden

Reference to the Illuminati that they’re will be some of them missing soon! What’s the Rose?

The War of the Roses

The battle Between York’s and Tudors for the English crown

The missing heir of York

Long story but in a nutshell they don’t really know where the shit he ended up!


What if they sent him to America?

Why did they called it New York?


What if this is all part of hidden royals and their long game shenanigans? What if they planted the York

Heir in the America’s in the same manner the French planted Payseur in the Americas?


Perhaps the code word to let the hidden agents of the cabal know more than we ever thought!


What if declassify would mean all the secrets of who the real master of puppets is and had been all along?