I feel like kicking your ass.
The only thing pigs are good for is bacon.
Now, he's Jewish.
I smell matzah balls.
Maybe I should have added villians in George Orwell novels.
You just outted yourself piggy.
Dude, you are painfully obvious. You're infactuation with red heads gives you away.
Serial killer much?
I seemed to have hit a nerve piggy boy.
Forensic analysis of voter results in Pennsylvania show signs of obvious fraud
Even Freddy knows the truth, unlike you pig.
You can always tell a shill by how much truth the hide.
Q has dropped tons of damning info against the Jews and their blackmailing cyber crimes.
What do you think Q meant by saying "saving Israel for last" MR Piggy?
Get people to trust you, then tell them it's not the Jews.
You fucking lying cheating kikes. I hate your guts.