>>11662923 (lb)
who owns the media, oligarchs, it's that simple. they are all on board for the WEF 'Great Reset' their brain dead Utopian vision, where everyone receives a basic income, all gov't debts forgiven, debts that they caused with the help of their numbskull politicians, bribes and blackmail, end of paper currency, go digital to surveil all transactions, they will cease all assets and you will own nothing.
all for me and none for thee
we are inches away from this shit, just step out the front door and take a look around, practical everyone is wearing a useless fucking mask, what is moving the herd in this direction???
Answer: during the nuremberg trials a high ranking officer was asked by one of the prosecutors: Why did the German people do what they did and follow a fascist leader???
they were educated, intelligent, a hard working people, the Officer said: That's a simple answer,
This Virus CON moves the herd, the sheep are compliant because they unknowingly or knowingly believe they are States property, the State is all powerful, sorry they are the enemies and have always been, like Thomas Paine said they are the punisher, the antithesis of individual rights and freedoms of our Great Constitution.
read between the lines!