I can't even tell if this is satire at this point, but it's funny even if you didn't mean for it to be.
Even Q has "shit the bread", so don't get too caught up on what the spergs go sperging on you for, but you make a great point.
We call people, like the ones you're describing, ecelebs. You're describing why we gave them a sort of branding for being faggots.
Have fun anon and try to hang around for a while before you get your feet wet or you'll just get swarmed by spergs or unknowing normies endlessly.
Good luck.
Once again, do not be so fucking stupid.
Telling people where you live, especially here, is as good as putting a gigantic sign in your lawn saying nigger in the middle of Chicago.
What's with this psychotic masochism, anon?
You should want the literal opposite of everyone dying.
Everyone should live, never do any wrong again and love each other as much as possible while helping anyone when they can. Of course, this could never be possible, but we should still strive for it until we've exhausted all options.
How sure are you that you'd like to know the answer to that question?
No we won't. The planet doesn't give a fuck about us. You're a simple guest on this floating blue doughnut-boat.
It will go chugging along with or without us, with or without us doing anything at all.
We live for ourselves, but we can only leave together. The ones that insist otherwise are fools.
It's more like his true nature pierced through and shredded its snake skin.
The Christ severs the ego and assumes divinity.
What if time weren't linear?
What if all of the same actors never leave, but they just play different characters?
Well, it's about Judaism, "Christianity" and Islam, but let's hear it.
Well, no shit, but we shouldn't volunteer to do the majority of the work for them.
No, it's definitely still just you.
Oh, but, anon, life's greatest lessons are learned through PAIN.
No, they're just weeaboos and you're just new.
You need to let go of what weighs you down, learn to love, abandon the ego and try your hardest to not get distracted.
Extrapolate it out to other sectors or philosophies.
It doesn't have to just be a markets term.
Sure. I don't see why it can only apply to markets or interest in politics though.
>Oh, we don't mean real human meat!
I'm a child because I didn't know that half has a lot of overlapping boards and that plenty of us have more than just a single interest in a single board?
Again, you're just new. We can always tell.
What is Tencent and how much of Reddit does it own?
I'm going to guess this is what did it this time.
Maybe it was anon pointing to hotwheels >>11664161
Very wise words.
No one needs power over other people. Power over yourself is the highest for of power anyone can achieve here.
We wish not that Death shall find them, but Justice, anon.