Anons, CP addendum
Also please do not repost the CP…it's against the law.
Any anons here have graphics on the PCR test and the scam?
Looking for simple graphics for someone that doesn't speak good English.
They're asking for the redpill.
Will look for some as well.
Potential election interference in Canadian provincial elections? Oh yes, with Dominion
Two Engineering Alumni Named Canada’s Top 40 Under 40™
APRIL 28, 2011
Alumni Som Seif (IndE 9T9) and John Poulos (ElecE 9T7) have been named to Canada’s Top 40 Under 40™. Established in 1995, Canada’s Top 40 Under 40™ is a national program that celebrates the achievements of 40 Canadians who have reached a significant level of success before the age of 40.
Poulos is the founding President and CEO of Dominion Voting. He met James Hoover during a previous business venture in Silicon Valley where, together, they established an ambitious goal: to build a voting system that was so transparent even the most skeptical critic would have confidence in its accuracy. From small beginnings in 2003 doing an election in Quinte West, Ont., Dominion is now in about 150 municipalities and has been used in a number of provincial elections. It also has voting machines in 1,000 United States counties across 35 states. Today, Dominion’s machines include a roster of accessible technology such as audio readouts and large electronic screens. Innovations such as these have spurred its amazing growth – Dominion was No. 2 on Deloitte’s 2009 list of the 50 fastest-growing Canadian tech firms.
What brand of flash drive is that?
There's one with a Y and a wave symbol.
In your first pic, there's a pic but the brand is blurry.
Would be interesting to see if these companies are also involved in the meddling.
And they can't pull niacin from the shelves KEK!
Ivermectin can also be used but needs to be scaled down from a horse dose to a human dose.
Or best of all natural cures like oregano oil, colloidal silver, etc.
Assessment delivered by:
December 18, 2020
Action by:
Feb 1, 2021
My seatbelt is fastened and I'm ready to stow the tray table and have my seat back upright!
I like your thinking.
I had that thought before…the data is probably stored in China but could also be sent somewhere else, knowing that there's also good and bad ETs.
Love you too anon, sleep well!
I think he's controlled opposition and DS
I need to read up more on Antarctica…probably some portals there