Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 15, 2020, 11:35 p.m. No.11665442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5549 >>5822 >>6032



The UK attempted (again) to interfer in US elections by involving yacht whore Meghan Markle in the Lincoln Project. I don't think I need to explain wtf that shit show is.


Vid related, the whore narrates a video ad for Joe Biden.


Not even kidding. First she does it on zoom showing her face along with her handbag husband..telling people to vote for Biden and she got a lot of blow-back….so she starts narrating videos thinking no one is going to notice.


This literal whore is fake from the top of her weave to the bottom of her bunion-infested man-feet. THIS IS her voice. They tried to slow it and alter it but her ego is so fucking big she wanted her rabid fans to know.


I repeat


Linked is an article about it, embedded is from jewtube.


In case you don't know, the British Royal Family is NOT supposed to say anything remotely political. Ever. The closest the Queen has ever come to a public political statement is reminding her "subjects" that it's important for each of them to vote.




Also her handbag husband and she cooked up a visit to an Arizona vets memorial where they had them selves photographed laying a wreath—in an




On UK War Memorial Day for UK war dead. The fucker pinned a few medals on his best Sunday suit and had a paparazzi take pictures of him and his whore wife setting up a wreath…for UK war dead, in an AMERICAN vet cemetery.


Time for Handbag Harry, disgraced by his own failure to carry out his government duties for the UK military while off chasing ancient roastie vag is despised in UK now by military and the cemetery that allowed this shit is being slammed with calls by angry families.


His next move is showing up for some war remembrance concert with Sting.


Wait until you find out Markle's role in all of this. FUCK these two,HARRY MUST BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE US.



Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 15, 2020, 11:42 p.m. No.11665494   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just like kikes refuse to look at their deep and ancient connections to genocides, and world destruction, the catholic cult members (most of good heart) have consistently stayed in and donated to and kept-running, another synagogue of Satan.


The rest of your babble is stupid. UBL died in 2001 and the CIA kept him alive to be our boogeyman. That fake ass "former" glowie whose dick you all sucked, (parot) "exposed" the truth about UBL…kek. no he fucking didn't because the truth was the seal team 6 guys were killed when they started grumbling over all the money the "chosen to tell the story" fucking glow liar wrote. They all knew that wasn't OBL in that Paki house and not a single fucking muzzy believed it either, especially the guy's neighbors.


Stop sucking the dicks of each "former" that "exposes" the truth. Who the hell knows if anyone was actually even killed. IF anything the CIA decided they didn't need their actor anymore and eliminated him. Parot was turning the dial to toss Hillary and Obama under the bus and dusting off the CIA's hands.


fuck these clowns

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 15, 2020, 11:49 p.m. No.11665538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5548 >>5557 >>5564 >>5574


Brah, it's the bakers.


*someone doesn't understand the Internet.


They're doing it to get IPs range banned so that people who post using VPNs have to switch IPs. Eventually, they'll get all the VPN IPs banned and people will have to us their own Ips exposing them to CCP / Gov. retaliation.


in short, there's nothing that can be done about it. It's the price of free speech.


The board will slowly depopulate as IPs are banned. Which is, of course, the mission.


It is odd though, Tavistock GLP doesn't seem to have a KP issue. Ever.


oh, and they hope to slow down the board.


it's bakers, kikes, and glowies posting this shit

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:09 a.m. No.11665627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5637 >>5640 >>5739




LOL I've been watching you late night crew comms here for weeks. You think I don't "see" you?


bakers, kikes, jidf, glowie fucking bakers


Maybe VPNs should be banned, right?


The fact that I KNOW the fucking glowies can trace this shit though "7 condoms" right to your fucking burner phone location, means the CK posting is purposeful.


The things a kike won't do to deflect.


Tell me, was Samuel Untemeyer psychic?


Deer worship? the Y? oh you fucking retard. I was going to post on the kike research bread then I saw the endless schizo posts made by the same person over and over just like your fucking "catholic" threads.


PS when you see the signs in the sky—-just say yes to Jesus.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:16 a.m. No.11665664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5672 >>5689


CM is no longer affiliated with this board and now we've zero idea of who is.


Backtrace and visit–it's not rocket science but what do you do when the gatekeepers are pics related.


How about this. We start a VERY public posting tomorrow–as many places as possible that the CIA and JIDF in concert with the FBI and NSA have begun posting child pornography on a "anti-government corruption website" and make it go viral.


They think this will work and we can't do anything about it. Tell the world rogue assholes are using government assets to post child pornography. Make it public.


Either we do it or we get associated with it. I say make it public and let the world know what these asshole glowers are doing.


make the cp posting public, make it go viral that the communists are so desperate to stop citizen investigations that they're mass posting CP to keep people away.


this will work. (and so will your solution but this place is more shadowy now we've zero idea who is running it).

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:20 a.m. No.11665682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5696 >>5725


I watch you guys "chat" all night every night. I know who is who. No need for sauce. LOL like what, its not true unless I show sauce?


The proper people are being notified. They are fucking stupid if they think >7 condoms will protect them.


That's all. Also planning to make it very public and viral that CP posting is happening here and why. Time to light a few fires.


You don't dig or respond to digs you spend all night back and forthing and things get quite interesting after a certain hour.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:39 a.m. No.11665812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5846








And you mr. IP swapping gatekeeper.


it will all be sorted and arrests made by next week.


>these people are stupid.



If you're innocent then no worries, right?



  1. more mods. I'm a night owl and will be MORE than happy to sweep floors on only CP all night. But it will be dealt with. You could say I've

'had a word".


Also4chan has NO problem with CPtranny shills and JIDF desperate kikes, but ZERO issues with CP. I have seen posts where someone will say a thing got posted but it's gone so fast and maybe I scroll too slow but in 20 years of /pol/ I've not personally seen CP and if I were not permabanned from 4chan across all boards for (not kidding) posting CP I would not step foot in this place. It's grown useless. Literally. Desperate kikes, Christians scared the fuck that something is coming that is going to rip their fucking cult in two (it is, primarily the "chosen meme".




> pop up to call you a nigger or kike.

I am devastated. LOL


I've had enough now. This will be over by next week. My assets are slightly distracted currently by —trying to keep up with the endless pop-up fires of hot sauce.




No one reads your stupid posts. Why not gently encourage people to go on their own time and start watching Europa an hour at a time. (more than that might be too hard.


>It hasn't even begun raining shit on this board.


Not only is it raining shit its shitting rain. I have never seen the level of OPEN CP posting on a message board …Twitter? yes FB? yes, Jewtube? yes (twitter gate was horrid) but that stuff you'd have to go looking for. NO other fucking message boad has the problem this one does.


you know what that fucking means just common-sense-wise?


No problem tomorrow it goes HOT and the world is about to find out what these fuckers will do to stop critical thinking and anti-corruption investigation.


You know how I know it's not organic? twittergate. Some fucking glowtard is using his "injection stash" on here. How do I know that? retards, everyone knows you vicious fuckers 'inject" and you can't risk having too wide a variety so the folder is not only old it's bland…but it's enough to get "someone you want to get rid of" arrested for KP on their computer.



Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:46 a.m. No.11665841   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> Is he trying to duck a storm?

See my post on the UK government interfering in US elections using the yacht whore Markle. (this thread)


Wait until you see the sauce on that shipwreck.

I swear you guys are going to –re-adust your brains on how you decide what you believe.


Markle literally carried out a fake pregnancy, fake birth, fake kid–everything right in front of your eyes. Ask anyone, they'll tell you Markle and Harry have a kid.


That bitch has been whipping up the useful idiot niggers around the world into her own personal army.

no, no they don't.


They dox people, digitally terrorize them by getting bank accounts, emails, etc. cancelled for not liking that fake ass mockup of a yacht whore. Does that sound familiar?

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:56 a.m. No.11665888   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(40) posts.


LOL you fucked around. You're about to find out.


hint, pic related.


We'll see what happens.



I had the sauce, but sadly the poster didn't make it available for DL and naturally as soon as the glowies saw it posted at /pol/ they put in their "delete" request.


It was good. In Ohio what they did was skim votes for Biden off straight party tickets. Probably because all the republicans in OH are LARPing as republicans. The data made it fucking obvious. There MIGHT be the retard or two that really did that, but I don't think thousands of them did. NOT in my county. It was fucking obvious.


the link is dead. I had to reboot my browser for update and naturally–it's gone.


IMHO the reason why they only skimmed the vote for president on straight party tickets is because they didn't need to shit the votes for the house or senate as those seats are already filled by CCP lovers.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:02 a.m. No.11665912   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BroI've caught more pedos than you've seen KP. The shit that is posted here is literally some glowie's injection file. That shit is awful but-in the CP world it's literally nothing.


Speaking of JEWS.




on wars—which is why POTUS wants them stopped.


I've been slowly working my way through "Europa" and have started looking at events leading up to wars—via a different lens.


Having an interest in Central America I stumbled upon a video on the building of the Panama canal.


The kikes started planning WWI LONG before they started it.


There are no coincidences.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:11 a.m. No.11665945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5967 >>5992



The fact that there is even a breadbox is repugnant. The




that the bitches with and without REAL vaginas have been fighting back and forth for weeks now?


If you didn't have a "group" there wouldn't BE any infighting.


I've fucking sat here and watched you for weeks…making a KITCHEN for baker coms was a mistake. Make a practice kitchen ONLY and shut the kike kitchen down. When you are more of a distraction than you are a help….


Bakers fucking the bread (ie the FUCKING PHOTO WAR) gett IP banned immediately.


And the "people" posting CP using their "injection stash" are fucking stupid fucks arrogant retards who dress like pic related and think they're the smartest person in the room making normies clutch their pearls and run off.


Brah there is NOTHING I haven't seen. Shall I post my nigger "spanking" her baby with a machete video? Your aim is clear—and now you've done went and pissed me the fuck off.


> expect us.


Not all of us are pearl clutchers.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.11665980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6031


>Do all of these government people really have no idea what happens to their job, home community, family and friends… for failing to do their jobs as sworn to the Constitution?


Chances are they've been "insulated" in their ivory government towers for so long that everyone they hang with feels like they do…in short they don't give af. why do you think POTUS wrote that federal worker EO? Unless we clean them out bottom UP nothing will change. From the sheboons acting as gatekeepers on gov. aid to the niggers taking FBI phone calls.


Every single government agency is comp'd. They all use their positions for favors–fuck a neighbor over, help Scientology eliminate enemy by injecting KP onto their computers.


We need to live stream and blockchain the government so that the fucking lifers can't use their positions to fuck people over anymore. Imagine the average sheboon in the foodstamp office trying to figure out how to delete fraud complaints. KEK


Just making it harder for government niggers to game the system will save BILLIONS a year on gov. spending. You really don't know and can't imagine how bad it is.


>hello fraud dept?

>these people own 3 cars, 2 houses and lie about…..

>sheboon sees nigger name and hits delete.


Birds of a feather. This is why good cops keep silent among the bad cops.


Face it, there are more bent and corrupt every-day average people than there are in all the world governments combined.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:29 a.m. No.11666010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6099


As usual the sauce was dropped on /pol/ days before it hit the mainstream. /pol/ has fucking tranny issues but we get shit done and don't have a "kitchen" problem with ONLY ARISES with too much "organization" and ability for backchannel comms so they can organize.


Imagine a fucking glowie using his injection stash.


Sauce later migrated out of /pol/ to real world.


Sauce on SCYTL being raided dropped on /pol/ (kek and as usual it was called fake and gay and capped). There was a video.


I enjoyed very much the absolute fucking panic here when I cross posted that. Even after lawyers started talking about it they still claimed it was fake.


NOPE-the good glowies use /pol/ to drop sauce because we're like dogs with a damn bone and doing it that way PROTECTS the instate assets and at the same time allows for the migration of information-and helping the black glowies shit their fucking pants. I think Merkle must have malfunctioned, every fucking Euro leader that only won because of this shit—are making a lot of messy diapers about now

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:36 a.m. No.11666026   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> I've absolutely nothing to do with anything you describe

Then you have NOTHING to worry about.


I'd be more ashamed of using FB and that I had 2 friends that "liked" him.

I'm embarrassed for you


Speaking of COOMER, does anyone have a better shot of his face? He's antifa—and I did see a face shot while phonefagging this morning and he's giving me ginger kike vibes.


not ruling out all ginger kikes look alike

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:39 a.m. No.11666038   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>security flaw.


let me ask you something.


Do you think Code Monkey set something up with a security flaw? and yet there's a security flaw.




bessitos mis amigos

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:59 a.m. No.11666096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6157


>I think God is pissed….

Magical thinking.


However, you haven't begun to see "pissied" yet.


Do you really believe when POTUS is confirmed president, that the "evil" on earth will be destroyed?


Not without taking out over 3/4 of humans. Then again, "god" does like winning by killing everyone.

Anonymous ID: a14140 Nov. 16, 2020, 2:11 a.m. No.11666143   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>The moment the Constitution is ’down

You do know our Constitution has been 'down' for years now, right?


>“intelligence” community

And again, ALWAYS again, the intelligence community being bent is no brainer. What do we do with the MILLIONS of fed and state employees who are 'every day Joes" but in many ways fuck us over even worse.


And that's saying something. People here are all too comfy with arresting THEM as if THEY are the majority of the problem.


Academia, teachers, judges, police, lawyers, doctors, researchers—the list of bent is endless and 99% of those people have zero connection to glowies. Look around YOU and also in the mirror. If we had not permitted ourselves to become so enamored of "tech" and for the sake and love of money or 'making it' in the way of the Jones, maybe we would have never gotten into this shape in the first place.


>points at them

>but they

yeah and absolutely no one forces you to use bent social media then demand they unbend it because it being bent is bad all of the sudden.


Imagine handing over every bit of data regarding your life and then acting surprised when its used against you to manipulate your beliefs.


The Internet is a curse for "beliefs". Belief wars. The Wilcoxians against the Greerians, or the Ikeians against the Federation of Lighteans, the Muslims and Christians and Kikes and Flat Earthians, and Inner Earthians and the Nesarians and Gesarians and the Bulfordians…


would that humans stop being so damn gullible.