>>11666265 Trump to go down in history for what he did for GOP; on par with Lincoln and Reagan
This article is too good to just post sauce and title
These are lasting people still mark each of those historical figures in a very special way. And so I think when you take the party of Reagan, and then you add Lincoln, then you add Trump you get our party.”
Issa isn’t the first person to compare the president to former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.
Last month, former Reagan administration official John Cribb wrote an op-ed in which he argued that Trump and Lincoln share “fascinating parallels,” particularly in regard to their acrimonious relationship with the media and the establishment.
“Lincoln, like Trump, was furiously attacked in the media. Newspapers called him a demon, a buffoon, a miserable failure, a disgrace to the nation. ‘The man who votes for Lincoln now is a traitor,’ one Wisconsin paper asserted when he ran for reelection in 1864. You can imagine what Southern newspapers wrote,” Cribb wrote.
“Lincoln, like Trump, developed ingenious end runs around the press to communicate directly with the people,” he continued.
“He managed to get letters and speeches widely published so voters would know his thoughts and words. Trump has done the same with rallies, 90-minute press conferences, and his tweets.”
Lincoln, like Trump, also faced insults from the “Washington establishment,” who according to Cribb would disparage him as a know-nothing “rube from the prairies, clearly out of his depth.”
In fact, members of the left-wing establishment reportedly once called him the “laughing stock of the world.”
That too ought to sound familiar:
These sorts of insults have only blossomed further amid the coronavirus pandemic thanks to the shared belief by establishment elites that the president is personally responsible for the 200,000+ Americans who’ve succumbed to the virus — never mind that globally, a total of 1.3 million have died.
Conservative commentator Fox News, who hosts Fox News’ “Life, Liberty & Levin” and is a staunch Trump supporter like Issa, doesn’t subscribe to this argument.
“History will show that President Trump had the greatest, most effective response to a pandemic in world history,” he claimed in a bold tweet Saturday.
Attached to the tweet was a link to Friday’s episode of “The Mark Levin Show,” a syndicated conservative talk radio program.
During the program, Levin repeatedly defended the president from allegations that his coronavirus response has been a failure.
“The virus does whatever the hell the virus wants to do, and so the only answer was always to find a vaccine and therapeutics — and Trump was on top of this from day one, gets no damn credit,” he said.
“The fact of the matter is one day this will be written about by a sober press … [that] this was the greatest, most effective response to a pandemic in world history.”
The president certainly shares the same view.
“We’ve done a phenomenal job. Not just a good job, a phenomenal job,” he reportedly said during a Fox News interview in late September.
He added that his administration’s only flaw was lower-than-par messaging.
“Other than public relations, but that’s because I have fake news. On public relations, I give myself a D. On the job itself, we take an A-plus,” he said.
The media and establishment obviously disagree, but hey, they weren’t too fond of Lincoln and Reagan either …