Anonymous ID: 6dde84 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:44 a.m. No.11667226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7701

I posted this info from Brunobarking on Flynn coat of arms and Ghidira, but fast moving board


#ReleaseTheKRAKEN BrunoBarking

@Bruno062418 Replying to @Bruno062418

Look closely, the coat of arms of clan FLYNN and the @NSA GHIDRA symbol? #Coincidence?

Anonymous ID: 6dde84 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:55 a.m. No.11667322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11666265 Trump to go down in history for what he did for GOP; on par with Lincoln and Reagan


This article is too good to just post sauce and title


These are lasting people still mark each of those historical figures in a very special way. And so I think when you take the party of Reagan, and then you add Lincoln, then you add Trump you get our party.”


Issa isn’t the first person to compare the president to former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.


Last month, former Reagan administration official John Cribb wrote an op-ed in which he argued that Trump and Lincoln share “fascinating parallels,” particularly in regard to their acrimonious relationship with the media and the establishment.


“Lincoln, like Trump, was furiously attacked in the media. Newspapers called him a demon, a buffoon, a miserable failure, a disgrace to the nation. ‘The man who votes for Lincoln now is a traitor,’ one Wisconsin paper asserted when he ran for reelection in 1864. You can imagine what Southern newspapers wrote,” Cribb wrote.


“Lincoln, like Trump, developed ingenious end runs around the press to communicate directly with the people,” he continued.


“He managed to get letters and speeches widely published so voters would know his thoughts and words. Trump has done the same with rallies, 90-minute press conferences, and his tweets.”


Lincoln, like Trump, also faced insults from the “Washington establishment,” who according to Cribb would disparage him as a know-nothing “rube from the prairies, clearly out of his depth.”


In fact, members of the left-wing establishment reportedly once called him the “laughing stock of the world.”


That too ought to sound familiar:


These sorts of insults have only blossomed further amid the coronavirus pandemic thanks to the shared belief by establishment elites that the president is personally responsible for the 200,000+ Americans who’ve succumbed to the virus — never mind that globally, a total of 1.3 million have died.


Conservative commentator Fox News, who hosts Fox News’ “Life, Liberty & Levin” and is a staunch Trump supporter like Issa, doesn’t subscribe to this argument.


“History will show that President Trump had the greatest, most effective response to a pandemic in world history,” he claimed in a bold tweet Saturday.


Attached to the tweet was a link to Friday’s episode of “The Mark Levin Show,” a syndicated conservative talk radio program.


During the program, Levin repeatedly defended the president from allegations that his coronavirus response has been a failure.


“The virus does whatever the hell the virus wants to do, and so the only answer was always to find a vaccine and therapeutics — and Trump was on top of this from day one, gets no damn credit,” he said.


“The fact of the matter is one day this will be written about by a sober press … [that] this was the greatest, most effective response to a pandemic in world history.”


The president certainly shares the same view.


“We’ve done a phenomenal job. Not just a good job, a phenomenal job,” he reportedly said during a Fox News interview in late September.


He added that his administration’s only flaw was lower-than-par messaging.


“Other than public relations, but that’s because I have fake news. On public relations, I give myself a D. On the job itself, we take an A-plus,” he said.


The media and establishment obviously disagree, but hey, they weren’t too fond of Lincoln and Reagan either …

Anonymous ID: 6dde84 Nov. 16, 2020, 6 a.m. No.11667356   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11666308 Trump To Enact Series Of ‘Hardline’ Policies Going After Communist China In Final Weeks Of Administration: Report


I’m only posting parts of these great articles because it’s impossible to get the full gist of the message with the headline. Anons having to leave the board each time something interesting is important to understand, takes up a lot of time


Part of Trump’s goal is to “make it politically untenable for the Biden administration to change course” on the policies “as China acts aggressively from India to Hong Kong to Taiwan, and the pandemic triggers a second global wave of shutdowns,” Axios reported.


National Security Council spokesperson John Ullyot told Axios: “Unless Beijing reverses course and becomes a responsible player on the global stage, future U.S. presidents will find it politically suicidal to reverse President Trump’s historic actions.”


The administration plans to take additional actions against Chinese companies and government entities for a variety of human rights violations and matters involving U.S. national security. The report said to watch out for Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe to explain China’s criminal activity inside the U.S. to the American public in the near future.


DNI senior adviser Cliff Sims said, “Director Ratcliffe will continue playing a leading role, in coordination with other national security principals, in delivering a necessary mindset shift from the Cold War and post-9/11 counterterrorism eras to a focus on great power competition with an adversarial China.”


The report comes as Trump has said for months that he would be cracking down on China for a variety of issues, nearly all of which have been magnified by the coronavirus pandemic that originated in Wuhan, China. The Washington Post reported in April that senior U.S. officials were laying out plans for taking retaliatory actions against China for the pandemic.


Throughout the year, top U.S. officials have given speeches outlining the threats posed to the United States by communist China. The officials include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien.


In late May, Trump gave a statement in the Rose Garden about the United States’ relationship with China.


Trump said in part:


China’s pattern of misconduct is well known. For decades, they have ripped off the United States like no one has ever done before. Hundreds of billions of dollars a year were lost dealing with China, especially over the years during the prior administration. China raided our factories, offshored our jobs, gutted our industries, stole our intellectual property, and violated their commitments under the World Trade Organization. To make matters worse, they are considered a developing nation getting all sorts of benefits that others, including the United States, are not entitled to.


But I never solely blamed China for this. They were able to get away with a theft like no one was able to get away with before because of past politicians and, frankly, past presidents. But unlike those who came before, my administration negotiated and fought for what was right. It’s called: fair and reciprocal treatment.


China has also unlawfully claimed territory in the Pacific Ocean, threatening freedom of navigation and international trade. And they broke their word to the world on ensuring the autonomy of Hong Kong.


The United States wants an open and constructive relationship with China, but achieving that relationship requires us to vigorously defend our national interests. The Chinese government has continually violated its promises to us and so many other nations.


These plain facts cannot be overlooked or swept aside. The world is now suffering as a result of the malfeasance of the Chinese government. China’s cover-up of the Wuhan virus allowed the disease to spread all over the world, instigating a global pandemic that has cost more than 100,000 American lives and over a million lives worldwide.


Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the World Health Organization to mislead the world when the virus was first discovered by Chinese authorities.


Countless lives have been taken, and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe. They strongly recommended against me doing the early ban from China, but I did it anyway and was proven to be 100 percent correct.

Anonymous ID: 6dde84 Nov. 16, 2020, 6:10 a.m. No.11667430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11666383 CNN's Cabrera and Leftist Professor Push Insane Conspiracy


Adding some context:


Anons we’re all duped the citizens that believe Trump, I wonder what their solution is


Cabrera began the segment by hyping Snyder’s book, On Tyranny, in which he compared Trump to Hitler and claimed that Trump will take over the U.S. government through a Reichstag Fire type scheme. Snyder seems to be obsessed with making psychotic accusations towards Trump, as he also told Cabrera earlier this year that U.S. Democracy is in a “precarious situation” due to Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.


Cabrera then asked Snyder what he sees “as the long-term damage right now from Trump's refusal and – and those around him to concede?” This set upSnyder to make a series of crazy claims, including comparing Mike Pompeo to authoritarians in China and Russia


There are the national security consequences that begin now and will continue in the future, some of them you’ve already discussed on your show, all of the crisis around the world which the Biden team should be informed about, will go on and get worse during the following two months. There’s also the national security problem we’ll have and continue to have with democracy, the little clip that you showed with Secretary Pompeo is a good example of this.Mr. Pompeo is either taking part in an illegitimate attempt to keep Mr. Trump in power or he’s joking about it. If he's taking part, that’s basically the Chinese approach to democracy that it's not a thing. If he's joking about it, that's the Russian approach to democracy, that that it's a joke. Basically what we're doing now is is – is strengthening the hand of our foes.


The radical leftist then laughably attacked Trump supporters for not accepting the election results:


Long term for the United States we have the problem that a big lie, a really big lie has been introduced into the American society. We're going to be dealing for weeks, months, perhaps even years with the reality that tens of millions of Americans will have been convinced understandably by their president that something was amiss in this election. The problem with the big lie is that the big lie separates people, and to those who have faith in the lie and those who don't believe it, and it makes it very hard to have country, a society, it makes it very hard to have a democracy.And the particular form that the big lie takes is even more dangerous I think because the form it takes is that of a stab in the back, that we really should have won but we lost because we were betrayed. We were betrayed by the Democrats, we were betrayed by the media. And that strengthens this idea that some people are not really part of the nation, some people are traders, some people are cheaters. And if the other side are cheaters, that means we have the right to cheat the next time. So those are the consequences as I see them


Never mind that the Democrats spent all of Trump’s term falsely claiming that Trump colluding with Russia cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 election.