Anonymous ID: 15ec3e Nov. 16, 2020, 6:44 a.m. No.11667731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7804 >>8353 >>8398

Left leaning people being willingly blind is nothing new, it is one of many symptoms that comes along a schizophrenic.


Another symptom often seen is the so called "Denial", everything able to pop the safety bubble is ignored or with confirmation bias talked down.


It doesn't matter how much evidence is presented to them, biden could rape a baby in front of these people and they would remain in denial. Even when you point this out, they will react in a passive aggresive way to you, yes, just another symptom of schizophrenics.


Try to point this out and they feel gaslighted (a term coined from an old movie,…hollywood movie…), because paranoia is yet another symptome of schizophrenics.


How come, that we have at least 3 and more symptoms perfectly fitting on those heavy left-leaning people?

As if they where born like this? From the school to college and influenced by the corrupt media over the years.

Was knowledge shared between corrupt assets? CIA and Media? MK Ultra? Brainwashing?


Are people Brainwashed into Schizos?

Learn about the symptoms of schizophrenics, and you will learn how to deal with them


>these people are sick

Anonymous ID: 15ec3e Nov. 16, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.11667804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am very sure, they the deep state, does know it very well what kind of people follow them.

You could say, they exploit the schizos. See, all those ufology shit suddenly getting hijacked by podesta and friends? Well, it never got hijacked, to be honest, it always was like that.

Topics of religion and ufos are the schizos most liked theme!


>russia russia russia

gaslightning the schizos


>we are the news, do not listen to alternitive

confirmation bias


>right wing, nazi nazi nazi



Learn about schizos



Anonymous ID: 15ec3e Nov. 16, 2020, 6:58 a.m. No.11667843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep state has an army of schizos, BLM-Antifa-RadicalFeminist-Communist and what not satanic shitheads.

If they don't get what they want, the deep state will simply activate their schizos, and they will go berserk on the streets as you have seen.


Just one little false flag, and the corrupt media pushing the right buttons on the schizos will make them do so.


Shut down Social Media and big news outlets to kill the hidden hand controlling the schizos, this is the only way.